Home Disorders Autism

Most effective Treatment Options for Autism


Treatment options for Autism

Autism is very demanding and unique in treatment options offered for each child. The children or adults with autism need special autism intervention plan suited for their needs. This plan is very specific and addresses all the points which the sufferer is looking at resolving.

Autism treatment plan, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), can offer one of many combinations of the following therapies:

  1. Medication treatment
  2. Nutritional therapy
  3. Occupational therapy
  4. Parent-mediated therapy
  5. Physical therapy
  6. Social skills training
  7. Speech-language therapy
  8. Behavioural management therapy
  9. Cognitive behavior therapy
  10. Early intervention
  11. Educational and school-based therapies
  12. Joint attention therapy

Combination of the Autism treatment plan

The medical or behavioural intervention for Autism can include both medicine and therapy. Lot of people with autism have associated medical disorders such as sleep disturbance, seizures and gastrointestinal (GI) distress. If these symptoms are addressed, there are high chances of improvement in the conditions of person.

Plan for the Autistic Patients

The basic treatment plan for autism begins with lot of people. It may involve child's entire family, a team of professionals and other care givers. Some will have the therapists visiting the home for treatment therapies, parent training, etc. For others, it may be conducted at the doctor’s clinic or at specialized centres for Autistic child.

Options for Toddlers and Preschool Children

There are many early intervention programmes which can help the children affected in multiple ways. Some of the good program features are as follows:

  1. The specialized therapies go for at least 25 hours per week.
  2. The therapist should be well trained for delivering the sessions.
  3. There should be clear cut objective for each Autism treatment session with the recordings of the session evaluated.
  4. The main focus area of Autism treatment plan can include the social skills, communication, imitation, play skills, motor skills, etc.

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