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Introduction to Partial Seizures


A partial seizure is also known as Focal seizure, which occurs because of abnormal electrical activity happen in one specific part of the brain. Depending on which part of area is affected, symptoms differ. Partial seizure is further divided into two parts which are as follows

  1. Simple partial seizures-In simple partial seizures patient does not lose consciousness. Patient is aware of what is happening? It is last for less than two minutes. Depending on symptoms simple partial seizures is further categorized into Motor seizures, Autonomic seizures, Psychic seizures, and Sensory seizures.
  2. Complex partial seizures -A complex partial seizure is also described as Psychomotor epilepsy. It affects a large of the brain and often takes place in temporal lobe or frontal lobe. Patient may not remember event which occurred and unable to communicate. During complex partial seizures patient may do some movements which is called as 'automatisms'.

Symptoms shown by patients of partial seizures

  • Virtually any movement, sensory, or emotional symptom shown by the patients.
  • Automatisms which means Lip smacking, abnormal mouth movements, Chewing/swallowing without cause
  • Patients may repeat some phrases or words again and again, laugh, and cry, or scream.

What are the causes of partial seizures?

Causes of Partial seizures are Electrical imbalance in the brain, brain tumors, vascular malformations, Meningitis/focaencephalitis, Stroke, Head injury, brain infection, truma, Metabolic and electrolyte shifts but most of the time the cause is unknown.

How to treat partial seizures

  1. 1. Move the patients if he/she is standing in the danger area to avoid injury.
    2. Do not put anything between teeth.
    3. Antiseizure medicines is used prevent seizures.
    4. Surgery to repair of tumors or brain lesions,
  2. other therapies,
  3. medication may be used for treatment depending upon cause and symptoms.


Following things may reduce the seizure.

  1. Avoid risky behavior and protect your head from any injury.
  2. Avoid alcohol, and unacceptable drugs.
  3. Take healthy diet and get proper sleep.