Chronic Migraine Cure
TweetWhat is Chronic Migraine?
Chronic Migraine is also known as transformed migraine. Chronic migraine is a disorder. The chronic migraine appears 15 or more days each month. The usual feature of this is nausea.In the US and Europe indicate that 4-5% of the general population are affected by chronic migraine. Chronic Migraine causes headache. The affects of a migraine are completely consuming and living with this chronic pain can be torture both physically and emotionally .
Causes of Chronic Migraine
- Changes in parts of the brain that control pain.
- Tension
- Sleep apnea
- Stressful life
- Strong odors, including perfumes, incense or air fresheners
- Extended time watching television, a computer monitor, or driving
Symptoms of Chronic Migraine
- Headache
- Aura which involves both electrical and chemical changes in the brain
- A reduction of blood flow to parts of the brain.
- Vomiting,dizziness
- Sensitivity to light and noise
Treatments for Chronic Migraine
- Treatment foe chronic migraine include certain antidepressants, anti-seizure medications or cardiovascular drugs..
- Treatment for chronic migraine include Amitriptyline.
- The ergots and triptan drugs are the acute treatments for headache these are more effective for this disease.
- Routine exercise can be an enormous benefit to migraine
- Treatment for chronic migraine include pain medications such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
- Surgery: This may be an option for people with chronic cluster headaches. Most of the procedures involve blocking the trigeminal nerve.
Anemone herb for Chronic Migraine
Latni Name - Anemone pulsatilla
Origin - Europe, Asia
Parts Used - Leaf and flower
Dose - 1/4teaspoon to 1 cup,
Tincture 1ml, 3 times daily
Constituents - Voiatile oil, saponins, tannins, resin,
Primary actions -
Relaxant nervine,
Secondary actions -
Hormonal agent,
How it works - Saponins are often related in structure to
hormones. In anemone they are stimulant to
the liver, increasing bile flow and so helping
to improve metabolism of nutrients,
especially fats. This action may help to
protect against the development of
gallstones, and the hormonal saponins affect
both male and female hormone structure,
though the mechanism is not understood.
The volatile oil and tannins may be
responsible for the alterative action - this is
an old term used to describe herbs which
relieve both viral and bacterial infections. The
nearest modern equivalent is an antibiotic,
but antibiotics only act on bacteria, whereas
the herbal compounds appear to increase the
body's resistance to a variety of organisms. It
was once considered a specific cure for
measles. Its main use today is for nervous exhaustion, pain and inflammation in the
reproductive system, especially in
menopause. It is observed to stimulate
secretion of all mucous membranes, and this
may account for its use as a remedy for
vaginal dryness.
Growing guide - From bulbs in a well drained, sunny spot. Caution - The fresh plant should not be used as the oil
is irritating to skin and mucous membranes.
Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.
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Understanding Migraine
Migraine headache
Migraine treatment
Migraine symptom
Ocular migraine
Migraine medication
Migraine cause
Migraine medicine
Migraine headache symptom
Migraine aura
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Cause of Migraine headache
Migraine cure
Hemiplegic migraine
Menstrual migraine
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Migraine prevention
Migraine home remedy
Migraine and pregnancy
Migraine headache relief
Migraine remedy
Migraine attack
Silent migraine
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Migraine diet
Cluster migraine
Migraine headache medication
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Visual migraine
Eye migraine
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Vestibular migraine
Cure for Migraine headache
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Chronic migraine
Menopause migraine
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Migraine headache remedy
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