Home Staying Healthy Sleep 60 Easy Snoring Tips

60 Easy Snoring Tips


Snoring is a common phenomenon. It occurs and it can irritate the people around to hell. They cannot sleep in your company and can be very annoying. Snoring can also be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition, making sleeping terrible for the sufferer. We are delving here with the common snoring to the conditions which has snoring as one of the common symptoms. Check the tips below for the effective handling and cure of snoring for your betterment and your near ones betterment.

  1. Check if you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  2. Do not have excess alcohol. Be a moderate drinker.
  3. Protect your nose if you are into athletics
  4. Do you have Primary Snoring? Check for its presence
  5. Check if you have Upper Airway Respiratory Syndrome (UARS)
  6. Before surgery, tell your doctor if you have Sleep Apnea
  7. Ageing makes Sleep Apnea more common
  8. Know the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea
  9. Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome can also be cause of snoring
  10. Measure your neck size
  11. Did you have your snoring medically evaluated for presence of any disorder?
  12. If you snore, do not take narcotics. Be very careful.
  13. Avoid sedatives if you snore
  14. Check your doctor about your airway anatomy
  15. If you have small jaw and a receding chin, check for sleep apnea with your doctor
  16. If you are pregnant, do not ignore snoring and take doctor’s advice
  17. Down’s syndrome can also be associated with Sleep Apnea. Check with your doctor on this.
  18. Atrial Fibrillation can also be caused by Sleep Apnea. Check about this.
  19. Sleep study is needed for people with Sleep Apnea
  20. Know what is sleep study and what is expected in this study from your side
  21. Check if you need treatment of periodic limb movement.
  22. If you cannot sleep in unfamiliar surroundings, you can ask for a sleeping pill while you are getting sleep study performed.
  23. Try to sleep on your back or sides while you are doing sleep study analysis
  24. After the study gets over, check about sleep stages, other findings, etc. in addition to breathing changes
  25. Check your sleep efficiency
  26. Find if you were seen in all the stages of sleep?
  27. Check about the presence of Alpha-Delta sleep
  28. Check what is Snoreplasty
  29. After sleep apnea, check the possible treatment course with your physician for sleep apnea or snoring in particular
  30. Take the sleep log with you to your physician if you have irregular sleeping pattern. This will help them in knowing the sleep you are having.
  31. If you have issues in falling asleep and snoring is not the concern, you might not need sleep study at all
  32. Lose weight to reduce abnormal breathing
  33. Have a ball and put it in pocket. It will stop you from tripping to your back in your sleep.
  34. Check for nasal obstructions
  35. Try nasal strips
  36. Check for oral appliance
  37. Make sure, once you have the Oral Appliance, it fits you properly
  38. Check what is pillar procedure
  39. Get your echocardiogram done after the treatment of sleep apnea
  40. There are some Radio Frequency procedures. Check about them
  41. Check what is LAUP
  42. Opt to check for Polycythemia
  43. Check your urine sample for the presence of protein – this could be sign of sleep apnea
  44. There is another thing called – Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Check about this.
  45. Research and learn about Genioplasty
  46. Check with your surgeon about BIMAX
  47. If rest all the things fails, you need to go for Tracheostomy
  48. Check about Tonsillectomy
  49. Get the right surgeon for your snore cure procedure
  50. You can even try a Nasal CPP machine
  51. Add humidity to the process if you have nasal stuffiness while using CPAP
  52. Lower the pressure of CPAP
  53. Tray out adaptive Servo Ventilation
  54. Be honest about the time you use CPAP
  55. Bring your CPAP in the vacation
  56. Try Bilevel pressure
  57. Try APAP
  58. Identify the CPAP mask or facial attachment which is most comfortable for you.
  59. Check the need of pacemaker if you have severe sleep apnea
  60. If you are admitted for any reason, take the CPAP along with you
  61. Check for the presence of Cushing’s Syndrome
  62. Check for Acromegaly
  63. You do not need to sleep soundly during your sleep study

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