Home Staying Healthy Sleep Nighttime Odd Behaviour during Sleep

Nighttime Odd Behaviour during Sleep


Parasomnia is the word given to all the abnormal behaviour once can see or witness during night time, like sleepwalking, mumbling, terror nights, etc. Most of the action happens when the person is sleeping and he/she themselves are not aware of what is going on.
Many of the parasomnias are very disturbing for the person living with a parasomniac. The action of sleepwalking, talking in sleep, etc can be very stressful for anyone involved in the family. Refer to the below tips for more information on abnormal night behaviours.

  1. Don’t wake a sleepwalker
  2. Know the cause of night time headache
  3. Get check up done for Propriospinal Myoclonus
  4. Understand your sleepwalking nature
  5. Be cautious about the sleeping pills intake if you have the history of sleepwalking
  6. Do not opt for treatment for Confusional Arousals
  7. If you have evidence that you leave your bed while sleeping, go to your doctor immediately and discuss the sleep patterns
  8. Ask your partner to stay alert if you have a terror night
  9. Seek evaluation if you commonly experience sleepwalking or night terror as an adult
  10. Avoid alcohol, stress and less sleep if you are sleepwalking
  11. Hide car keys and secure the environment if you sleepwalk
  12. Get a family sleep history before seeing your physician
  13. Enjoy the mumbling
  14. In general do not worry about twitching or jerking
  15. Advance Kidney diseases and RLS together needs to be reported to doctor immediately
  16. See a doctor if you behave abnormally in the night
  17. Identify the cause of nocturnal eating
  18. Seek treatment if you are night eater
  19. Do not feel embarrassed to talk to your doctor about the sleep related sexual behaviours as well
  20. If you change your dreams, refer them to your doctor
  21. Speak to your doctor if you act out your dreams
  22. Get evaluated for Neurological problems if you act out of your dreams
  23. Make your bedroom a safe place
  24. Ask your dentist if you are suffering from Bruxism
  25. Wear a bite guard
  26. Change your body position
  27. Don’t worry about sleep paralysis
  28. Don’t worry about suffocation during sleep paralysis
  29. Describe all sleep related movements to your doctor
  30. Check if you have restless legs syndrome
  31. If you have RLS, ensure that you do not have iron deficiency
  32. If you have RLS and you are pregnant, you need to take iron supplement
  33. Check about the medication which can worsen the RLS
  34. Take care of the side effects of commonly used RLS treatment drugs
  35. Beware of augmentation
  36. Do not donate blood regularly of you have RLS
  37. Do not confuse leg cramps with RLS
  38. Let your partner know about RLS
  39. You might need to rock yourself to sleep
  40. Seek evaluation and treatment for cluster headache
  41. Headache onset late in like should be evaluated by doctor
  42. Sleep can be both friend or enemy, if you have migraine

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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