6 super time management tips for working parents like me
TweetDoes work-life balance bring lot of frustration and guilt inside your own self? If the answer is yes, you are the one standing with a known veteran female executive.
Rethinking Your Work-Life Success
The words like multi tasking and maintaining work life balance are words to be kept best in the dictionary and not in life. They are made to fail and make you feel failed.
Below are the top six tips which helped you and your husband to raise two kids:
1. Just stop doing multiple things together. Do not multitask. What you can do is to keep blocks of time exclusively for one thing only. Give 100 percent to whatever you do at a particular time. You could be more effective than ever before when you used to multi task.
2. Put time limit to everything and follow it. It should be done equally to home and work both. Do not keep on extending the time line and perform small changes or enhancements which do no good. Just accept that nothing is perfect and remove the willingness to follow perfectionism. Being a timekeeper and strictly following it at work can do wonders as well. Try it to get it straight.
3. Keep one calendar only which includes both personal and professional commitments and works. This will ensure you never overlap things and always keep people informed about your plan and presence. Believe me, it lowers the expectations as well from both personal and professional point of view.
4. Try to work on weekends especially on Sunday. If you office allows, you can take your kids with you to office and they will enjoy in the new area and you can work. This will simple ensure that you are holding the hand for the coming week and will be relaxed during the week. Kids can play with stickers, dry-erase markers, boards, etc.
5. Plan for failure especially for the Day Care. They are bound to fail. Keep ready with at least 3-4 options if your regular one fails. Always be prepared for the failure of this sort.
6. Use delegation for getting the best results. We all think that no one else can do the job better than we do and always try to stick to the inner perfection urge we have. Believe me, it does not work and you end up loosing on deadlines and loosing important business. The rescue is to believe in people around you and give them task. This will make your team the best performing team ever.
All said and done, remember to make your home life a big priority. Your home life should be good and not be in a messy situation, if you would like to work and excel at career.

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are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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