Four Reasons why we humans are not made for Multi-Tasking
TweetOver the years, we have been prepping ourselves to become the most efficient multi-tasking race who can do multiple things together with equal ease and pace. Be cool, successful and innovative at the same time, all together. But, there is a catch. It is catching us on the wrong side and taking toll on your health, whether emotional or physical. Here are some of the reasons why this condition is not good for us:
1. Can you plan your workout or breakout sessions – It is problematic
Why do you think, it is good to set the downtime as a checklist item in your daily routine? It makes you more predictable and gives you more control in your ever busy time schedule? Well, in this situation, you are just killing the whole purpose of having a downtime. It just complicates the importance of downtime and lowers the whole idea of not wanting to do some Task. Just try to stay calm and just do nothing for a particular day which you can choose as per the mood you are in, not as per the schedule or diary you are following. This is more like a non-scheduled downtime, still not an emergency downtime, which is equally bad.
2. Can we prioritize from all seemingly important work items?
According to a prominent Harvard economist, the concept of mental bandwidth is present in all of us. This bandwidth ensures that if we do too much of things together, we are not good at any one of them and ultimately losing the whole purpose of doing multiple things together. These tasks are although started, will not end up in a positive note or not end up at all, since they will move out of mind. Over the years of modernization and modern tools to assist in the way we work, we have really lost the ability to distinguish between what is needed to be done, what should be done and what we are wanting to get done. So, what is the answer; the answer is to set the definite boundaries for all the things. You should restrict the distractions and other tasks, if you are doing something important. Just draw boundaries and you can see the results.
3. Reason of why do we multi task – we are not delegating enough
We are in the world of super powers and super people. They are powerful and take the every decision on their hands. They put their hands in multiple things and think that they only can do it best. They just can’t trust anybody to do what they wanted to do. But the negative side of this is that, we are sooner or later going to lose the power or network and help. Fresh ideas float, your work is done and with more rewards coming through. These are some of the benefits one gets by choosing the delegation in the right sense. Of course, there are boundaries to that too and it should not be overdone and leave everything to others and not doing anything on your own. But, I think you got the idea, by using delegation, you can reduce the need of multi-tasking all together.
4. Love your own self and your own desires
We multi task because we want to satisfy the dreams and destination of people surrounding us. Whether it is personal or professional, we are here to satisfy the needs and requirements of all around us. Where we stand as a person? What, did you said last? You are not the only one saying this. Almost all of us are in the same boat. Sit down, think and aspire and dream. This is something which you can do to help yourself in the longer run. At the end, it is your own life and you have to do justice to yourself as well. So, sit back and relax.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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