Working Women Multitask More and Do Not Enjoy It
TweetThere had been a stereotype connected with the busy working mothers. They are spreading and equally distributing their energy between their kids, spouse and daily household chores. Now according to a study, not only the working mothers multitask more than their male counterparts, they are less happy while doing their super capabilities.
Everyone performs multi tasking at work more than they do at home, but most of the times, women multitask more at home as compared to their male partners. While doing their household chores together like preparing dinner and doing dishes at the same time, they feel less happy and more stressed.
Source of maternal stress is Multitasking
The study published in the American Sociological Review journal, found that working moms spend close to 10 hours more than their working spouses doing multitasking, on an average.
The expectation from the working dad is somewhat lower than what it is from working moms. Dad’s used to do the things which are simple while multi tasking. You can say those things are enjoying rather than doing important things. For example, they can make a phone call while playing a board game with their kid, or while helping their kid complete a drawing. Whereas the mom used to make a call while doing important things like giving the son a both and making a phone call. When multitasking, the father may be doing the fun part of parenting like doing pleasurable things rather than routine child care tasks.
The researchers have found that women are more stressed than men, when they try to do the above mentioned type of responsibilities together with other equally important things. The male, because of the nature of things involved while doing multitasking are less stressed and does seem to mind them that much.
Technology and workplace demands have removed the earlier line between work and home adding to the multitasking needs of parents.
How to cut down the pressure and what is the Solution?
Moms need to lower the pressure and reduce the things and work they are doing. Fathers need to increase their share of responsibilities and things they do at home. Moms should try to do one thing at a time and leave the multi tasking elephant caged. Rely on others for doing things and just do not think of doing everything on your own.
The mothers activities are more prone to scrutiny. When a mother performs some of her task in the public she is judged on her skills of child care, since even today, it is their prime responsibility. The mistakes done during these tasks make you more vulnerable to public outcry and criticism as compared to male counterparts. What can be done is to ease the pressure on mothers.
The soothing tonic for the maternal stress and their better mental state is for fathers to perform more things. In order to help mothers reduce the multitasking and hence reduce the stress, the father’s share in household tasks should increase.

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