Building Relationship with Your Child
Tweet"Relationship with your child is at the core of making a successful and complete parenting."
Child bring the gift of joy, delight and happiness in the otherwise monotonous grownup life. Thet are like a sparlke, a light of candle in the darkness of being lonely, well looks like philosophical. Simply speaking, children are like a huge delight for the family and you need to invest lot of time in them for having a close and happy relationship with them today.
Tips for a great relationship with Children
As a mother you are always there for your child. But as a father, there is some distance which is maintained due to presence of mothers. Let the fathers start their interaction and bonding with the child right after the birth. You need to start developing a close bond with your child. Research shows that men who participate in their child initial months and years are more connected to their kids throughout their life.
Do not take parenting as something which is not an active priority. This means, parenting should not be seen as something you need to do when you have extra time. It is instead a very active time of your day which needs to be planned and scheduled as well.
You do not need to give gifts and toys everytime you need to give love to your child. Your mere presence can make the difference for the child. But, presence should not be just present, but paying attention. Child needs time and attention equally. So in simple words, love for children is a right combination of time and attention.
The media and communication devices, gadgets, distractions as they can be rightly called are taking you away from your child. SO the rule is, take these distractions out of reach when you talk to your kids and attending them. Do not text and talk to your child at the same time. Children are very perceptive about your non-attentive acts and think they are not special to you. This is not something you would appreciate - isn't it.
Building Lasting Relation tips with Kids
No relationship ever can nurture without spending time and doing hard work for making them work. Things do not happen on their own and need your wisdom and best of intentions to make them occur. Same is with parent child. Have some one-on-one time with your child with no distractions. Encourage communication by talking about your day and then ask about their day.
Taking self care also important since growing up babies is time consuming and they need lot of energy. Parenting can leave you exhausted and energy deficient. So take care of your well being.
There is nothing special you need to do with your kids - spending time during bathing, meals, reading in night are some of the things which children cherish. Just remember the small thing you would like to do with your parent when you were young. The same goes for your little ones as well.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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