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0 pointsWe do have a lot of guidelines here, but please take the time to read them. The Message Board is Not Here for... No solicitation of any kind is allowed. Anyone who uses this site to promote a commercial product will be banned. Anyone who is visiting strictly to save souls will likewise be banned. If you're depressed, we don't care what your religion is, but if you're just looking for vulnerable people to convert, you'll be banned. This is a support group atmosphere, not one-on-one therapy. No one here owes anyone else support. Anyone who tries to guilt another member into giving them help will be asked to re-consider their participation in the forum. Depression Guideā¢ purpose is to create a safe environment for discussing depression. We prefer to keep confrontation to a minimum; many of our members find it distressing. Therefore, it should be expected that moderators will step in on any topic that has become too heated or confrontational. This is not a place for heated debates of a political, regligious, cultural, etc. nature. While we recognize that it's impossible to avoid conflict in a group this large, we prefer to keep it to a minimum. Any threads that get too heated or confrontational will be closed. Usernames, Avatars and Signatures If you're inclined to make your username sexually explicit, scatalogical or offensive in some other way, reconsider it. There are very few usernames changed by the admin, but realize that if you choose a username for its shock value, some members will be shocked, not impressed. If your avatar depicts anything that might trigger someone (cutting, suicide method, etc.) you will be asked to change it. Image signatures are limited to 300x300 in dimension and 17k in file size. Although there is no limit to lines on text signatures, please remember that each signature adds to the time everyone spends scrolling through posts. Respect for Other Members No personal attacks, for any reason. Non-depression related sexual content should be kept to a minimum. Some members are sexual abuse survivors. Do not in any way encourage someone else to commit suicide. Sounds incredible, but it has happened. This includes suicide pacts. This is a potential banning offense. Do not even consider faking your own suicide to get attention or sympathy. Everyone here is in a fragile emotional state, and a suicide has a devastating effect on the community. If you need attention that badly, please discuss your situation with a therapist. Never, never try to make other members feel guilty for how they treated you by talking about being suicidal or going into the hospital. You have no idea how this is going to affect the other members. If you feel a member has treated you poorly, please contact Administrators. In this community, there is no "one true way" to handle depression. No evangelizing or preaching about any form of treatment. Problems and Personal Conflicts If you have a personal problem or personality clash with another member, please try to settle it between yourselves before coming to a moderator or administrator. If someone is bothering you, please try blocking their posts and PMs before coming to us. If two members are having a disagreement in a thread, it should be taken to PM or email. No one else is as interested in your personality clash as you are and it upsets people. Anyone who publicly or privately attacks a moderator is subject to banning. The way to handle a disagreement or problem that you have with a moderator is to contact Administrator by Private Message. Message Board Etiquette Don't SHOUT. Typing in all capital letters is the online equivalent of shouting. If you have any kind of disability that makes it necessary to type in caps, explain that if possible before the question comes up. Feel free to "lurk" (read but not post on the message board) until you're comfortable. No spamming (posting a message in more than one folder). Safety Use good judgement with information you receive on the message boards. Take all information given with a grain of salt and remember that it is not being given by a medical professional. For your own safety, don't post your phone number, mailing address or email address on the message boards. Remember that this is a public venue. Crisis Situations Anyone who is severely suicidal should be encouraged to go the emergency room or to their doctor. Suicide prevention number listings: US: SuicideHotlines.com US/Canada/International: Hopeline Samaritans: Phone: UK 08457 90 90 90, Republic of Ireland 1850 60 90 90 Internet: http://www.samaritans.org.uk Email: jo@samaritans.org.uk