Ways to Help ADHD Children Make Friends

ADHD as we know affects a child ability to socialise and interact with anyone. It becomes difficult for the child to make friends. They need help in making and keeping up friends. Parents and support group can create a huge difference by just supervising from distance. They do not have to get on your legs to make this happen and it can be done just by guidance.

Different ways to help ADHD kids make friends

See the tips below to find how you can coach and guide the ADHD child in social interaction and friends making exercise.

1. Know the core of the problem – You need to observe the situation before thinking about any solution. Children with ADHD often commit social behaviour mistakes because they do not know how they are looked upon by their peers. Discuss with them what went wrong and why all of this is happening. Do not provide negative feedback since it will affect his/her self-esteem.

2. Watch your child carefully – The ADHD kids tend to pick fights and verbal arguments with other kids. See what and where they are and closely monitor them. You need to intervene if things are going out of control for your kid.

3. Missing Cues, Lacking Skills – Children with ADHD tend to miss out many things in a friendship. Making and keeping friends needs skills like talking, listening, sharing, being empathetic, etc. In ADHD children, these skill do not come naturally. hence they struggle a lot in this area. This further causes kids to lose self-confidence.

4. Talking to your child’s teacher can also help. The teacher can pair up your child with some child who is more accommodating and accepting. The fiends can be from the same hobby set as well.

5. You can also consider counselling as well. Find out some good Parenting Coach, who can give practical tips on how to help your child interact with others, etc. It can also help the ADHD child build communication skills, and become resilient.

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