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 What are the helps available for Depression?


One of the main problems to overcome with depression is admitting to others that one has it. Many people will not seek help until they find they cannot go on without it. There is a fear that they will be regarded as mentally weak, that it will jeopardize employment prospects, career advancement, life insurance, etc.

The inability to cope with life, whether because of stress, depression or cancer, is still a defect of the whole person. The causes and cures are related not only to either the mind or the body, but to very complicated interaction between the two. Nobody develops any of these problems through choice, although one may get all or any of them as a result of the way one thinks and behaves in response to what life throws at one. The problem is that society does not recognize it.

So what help is available?


  • Doctors

Doctors are basically skilled in medical healthcare but they do have some training in treating mental or psychiatric problems. Physicians recommend specialized care for patients with more than mild symptoms of depression.

  • Psychiatrists

More severe cases of depression are best treated by psychiatrists. They have far greater experience of all different types of anti-depressants available and will be more likely to find the right one for a particular case.

  • Counselors

A number of milder depressions are helped by simply talking about the problem. The chance just to talk about their feelings to the counselors may be enough to make sufferers feel better.

  • Clinical psychologists

A Doctor may also refer a patient to a clinical psychologist, who will usually use some form of Cognitive Therapy (Cognitive means to do with thinking). This simply means trying to change the way one thinks and views life generally. With help to change their way of thinking, they may be less likely to become depressed again in the future.

2. Help for depression : FRIENDS AND RELATION

Many people can help themselves a great deal simply by being allowed to talk about their feelings to a sympathetic listener. Depression can feel like being lost in a long dark tunnel. Sometimes just arising one's feelings can show one the chink of light at the end. The listener does not have to offer advice of any kind, sufferers are best left to work out for themselves what is to be done.

Depression support helpThe role played by friends and relations is discussed more fully in the Depression Help by Family and Relations Support section.

3. Help for depression: CHARITIES AND SELF HELP GROUPS

Some people who have overcome, or helped close relatives overcome, a particular disorder feel driven to put what they have learned to use in helping others. Thus many charities and self help groups have evolved which specialize in various health problems. What they offer ranges from information to regular meetings.


Depression do cure themselves. It is not unusual for someone to be depressed for months and then suddenly, one day, to wake up to find that it has gone. Of course the same thing happens with headaches, but we all know, what treatment is likely to get rid of a headache more quickly, so we take it.

If the depression is only mild, this approach may work. A moderate depression will be more likely to benefit from professional help in order to alleviate the symptoms more quickly. A severe depression definitely needs professional help.

5. Help for depression : DEPRESSION SELF HELP

As we have said, depressed people must become less depressed before they can work on developing true self esteem. So the root to overcoming lies in developing self esteem.

Depression HelpPutting lifestyle changes into practice

It’s easy to talk about lifestyle changes, but it’s more of a challenge to make them part of your daily life—especially if your depression is severe.

To make these changes going inside yourself effectively, start following the self help tips, see Depression Self Help.

5. Help for depression : DEPRESSION Online support or Forums

It is true that deeply depressed people are too apathetic to do anything to help themselves in the first instance, but then such people would not be coming this far! People who are that depressed must see professional help. This way of depression help is for those who are capable to some self initiated efforts.

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The depression-guide.com is proud to present Depression Guide Facebook Page where the latest and best of the treatment options are discussed along with the experiences shared by people like you and me. It will allow you to share experiences, ideas and self help information about depression and other mental health disorders. Why not like our facebook page and align yourself with the interesting things while having fun with other followers and likers. Believe me, you'll just love it.

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