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How to Get Rid of Anxiety Disorder NOS


Anxiety Disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) is diagnosed when patients have symptoms of anxiety disorder or adjustment disorder with anxiety disorder or mixed anxiety and depressed mood.

Anxiety or phobic avoidance that does not meet the criteria for any other specific disorder e.g. Anxiety Disorder, Phobia, Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety, Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety, Depressed Mood.

The category generally includes patients disorders with prominent anxiety or phobic avoidance that do not meet criteria for any specific anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder with anxiety, or adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.

Facts and Tips for Anxiety Disorders NOS

  • Anxiety is mental health disorder which leads to anxieties, fears, phobias and nervousness.
  • Anxiety patient should have keep away from stresss and do not take faimly or business dicision.
  • Anxiety is unexpectedly and normally happen disorder without any noticeable cause.
  • Worry, family tension, anger, irritation, financial problem, consuming alcohol, smoking, drugs, pressure in office can be causes of  anxiety disorder.
  • Anxiety patient should take sufficient sleep. Do some excercises and yoga and going for a brisk walk in the morning.
  • For the treating anxiety you can change your life style, daily activity and behavior.

DSM Code for Anxiety Disorder NOS - 300.00

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