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How to Get Rid of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


OCD is a type of anxiety that happens when there is a problem with the way the brain deals with normal worrying and doubts. Kids with OCD worry a lot . And they feel afraid about bad things that could possibly happen.

The word obsession refers to a recurrent idea, thought, impulse, or image that's intrusive and inappropriate, causing marked anxiety or distress. A compulsion is a ritualistic, repetitive, and involuntary defensive behavior or action. Performing a compulsive behavior reduces the patient's anxiety and increases the probability that the behavior will recur. Compulsions are commonly associated with obsessions.

Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are prone to abuse psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and nxiolytics, in an attempt to relieve their anxiety. In addition, other anxiety disorders, Tourette syndrome,attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and major depression commonly coexist with OCD.

What causes OCD?

The cause of OCD is unknown. Research indicates that there are abnormalities in central nervous system serotonin transmission and in the paralimbic circuit. Some studies suggest the possibility of brain lesions, but the most useful research and clinical studies base an explanation on psychological theories. In addition, major depression, organic brain syndrome, and schizophrenia may contribute to the onset of OCD. Some authorities think OCD is closely related to certain eating disorders. Also, someone who has a blood relative with OCD is more likely to develop OCD than someone who doesn't. Even so, not everyone who has a relative with the disorder will necessarily develop it.

Active lifestyles are great

OCD can be treated when the right things are done. One of the best things to do is to create an active lifestyle. This can work in that a person will be able to do something active and creative with one’s time. This can range from working with exercise to working with different tasks. The main goal is that they will get a person to stop worrying about something and dealing with the feat that can come from it.

Creating limits

Sometimes a person will engage in compulsive behaviors at a number of times in the day. This can be very disruptive to one’s life. A good thing to do is to set a limit on the number of times an activity can be handled on a daily basis. This number can be reduced as time goes by to the point where it will be easier for the behavior to go away on its own. This may be one of the smartest things that anyone can do for treating OCD.

Watch for fears

Sometimes OCD is caused by a fear that a person has of something. It will help to talk with one’s doctor about one’s fears and to understand what one is dealing with in order to treat OCD. This can work to ensure that the condition can be relieved and taken care of in as little time as possible.

Do medications ever work?

Some people are prescribed medications for treating OCD. However, medications work to only control the OCD and to not work to get it reversed over time. It will be very important to watch for this risk when trying to use medications. Also, many medications are not recommended for all people who need help with getting their signs of OCD under control.

Some Facts on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

OCD afflicts about 3.3 million adult Americans. It strikes men and women in approximately equal numbers and usually first appears in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. One-third of adults with OCD report having experienced their first symptoms as children. The course of the disease is variable-symptoms may come and go, they may ease over time, or they can grow progressively worse. Research evidence suggests that OCD might run in families.

The disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions, and the rituals performed to try to prevent or get rid of them are called compulsions. There is no pleasure in carrying out the rituals you are drawn to, only temporary relief from the anxiety that grows when you don't perform them.

What is the symptom or signs of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

The psychiatric history of a patient with this disorder may reveal the presence of obsessive thoughts, words, or mental images that persistently and involuntarily invade the consciousness. Some common obsessions include thoughts of violence (such as stabbing, shooting, maiming, or hitting), thoughts of contamination (images of dirt, germs, or feces), repetitive doubts and worries about a tragic event, and repeating or counting images, words, or objects in the environment. The patient recognizes that the obsessions are a product of her own mind and that they interfere with normal daily activities. Find the detail list of all the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Symptoms.

What is the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD is tenacious, but improvement occurs in 60% to 70% of patients who obtain treatment. Current treatment usually involves a combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. Other types of psychotherapy may also be helpful. Find the detail information on all the treatments for curing OCD.

Are other illnesses associated with OCD?

People with OCD often have other kinds of anxiety, like phobias (such as fear of spiders or fear of flying) or panic attacks.

People with OCD also may have depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, an eating disorder or a learning disorder such as dyslexia.

Having one or more of these disorders can make diagnosis and treatment more difficult, so it's important to talk to your doctor about any symptoms you have, even if you're embarrassed.

Points to Remember:
  • Approach the patient unhurriedly.
  • Provide an accepting atmosphere; don't appear shocked, amused, or critical of the ritualistic behavior.
  • Keep the patient's physical health in mind. For example, compulsive hand washing may cause skin breakdown; rituals or preoccupations may cause inadequate food and fluid intake and exhaustion. Provide for basic needs, such as rest, nutrition, and grooming, if the patient becomes involved in ritualistic thoughts and behaviors to the point of self-neglect.
  • Let the patient know you're aware of her behavior. For example, you might say, "I noticed you've made your bed three times today; that must be very tiring for you." Help the patient explore feelings associated with the behavior. For example, ask her, "What do you think about while you're performing your chores?"
  • Make reasonable demands and set reasonable limits, explaining their purpose clearly. Avoid creating situations that increase frustration and provoke anger, which may interfere with treatment or may trigger an obsessive or compulsive thought.
  • Explore patterns leading to the behavior or recurring problems.
  • Engage the patient in activities to create positive accomplishments and to raise sell-esteem and confidence.

Facts and Tips about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is metal disorder which involves persistent unreasonable thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
  2. An obsession includes recurring unwanted ideas, fear of contamination or dirt, sexual images or thoughts, having things systematic and balanced.
  3. Repetitive behavior involves hand washing, checking, cleaning, touching, counting, performing the same action repeatedly, and demanding reassurances. It is performed to reduce anxiety or distress caused by obsessions. 
  4. Exact cause is unknown but biological or environmental factors, insufficient serotonin, strep throat infection may give rise to OCD.
  5. Cognitive behavior therapy, medicine, alternative drug treatments, psycho-surgery or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used to cure disorder.
  6. Family history, stressful life events and pregnancy are risk factors for OCD.

OCD and Cymbalta

what is is called when you have a person that keeps refering back to a sibling that has died 20 years ago and making the death more of a issue, even though they were never close. Also when they are constantly plaguing others with money issues and how they have stole from them. My father is doctoring for dementia and possibly alzheimers. He is on aricept, namandia, cymbalta, and is currently going off of zoloft. He wakes in the night with screaming rages over these two issues. A brothers death and money issues that he wants to combat. What does a person do to help him. -Kay

I have an Obessive Compulsive Disorder along with my Mental Retardation Diagnoses. Contagiously, I have Down Syndrome with it that I was born having it. I had alot of Anxiety and Panic Attack when I was a child? Iam know taken Depakote and Prozac. Originally, I took Alzheimer's Medication when I was 23 years old back in May 2003 in New Orleans, LA? I had alot of Amnesia, thats what a group of People with Down Syndrome had to take Alzheimer's when they get older? Obviously, I'm not taken these Amnesia Meds anymore. Right now, Im doing ok. -- Daniel McKinney

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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