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Depression Factors and Maintenance


In all but some of the most severe forms of depression, it is the sufferer's reaction to the depression and their thoughts about the incidents that caused it which are often important for maintaining it.

Two factors which comes under this category are as follows:

Personality Traits

A tendency to look on the negative side of things can be a maintenance factor in someone who is suffering from any degree of unipolar depression. So, negative ways of thinking can keep depression going. Find out more on depression and your thoughts.

Environmental Influences

These refer to the part played by the situations people find themselves in their jobs, their homes, their relationships. If one of these is unsatisfactory in some way, it will make sufferers feel even more worse and it will be harder for them to think positively in order to help themselves get better. Let us see the power of positive thinking.

Lets us look at some of the mechanisms of the body and mind and try to figure out- how they affect the depressive disorders.

Depression Causes - Like any disease, there is not a single cause for a depression. Depression is a combination of biological, genetic and psychological factors.

Who gets Depressed? - There are certain factors that make some people more likely to suffer from certain types of depression than others.

Depression Triggers (What will actually make them depressed) - Some sufferers will say that their illness was triggered by events or changes in their life, usually involving some kind of loss or personal threat.

Depression Factors (What keeps them feeling depressed?) - There are various factors which can cause depression

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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