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 Depression Susceptibility


Who Gets Depressed?

Who is most likely to get depressed? The different forms of depression are not necessarily caused in the same way. There are certain factors that make some people more likely to suffer from certain types of depression than others.


Statistics suggest that Women are more likely to suffer from a depressive illness than men.

Of course, men also suffer from depressive illness, and their susceptibility may also be due to social factors. Men find that they are unable to find the dominant position simply because they were born male. It is, perhaps, this insecurity which is making them more susceptible to depression. Increase depression in men closely related to increase in alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide.


Does depression runs in families? It seems that susceptibility to depression is like any other inherited traits in which some people in the family inherit it and others do not. There is a genetic predisposition to some kinds of depression.

A susceptibility to severe bipolar depression is genetically transmitted, it does not necessarily follow, however , that just because someone inherits the susceptibility, he or she will develop the illness.


Elderly people are particularly susceptible to depression, especially if they lose their self-esteem. They may begin to see themselves as useless- a burden to society and their families. Loneliness and the loss of a purpose in life make the elderly more susceptible to depressed moods.


Certain type of everyday situation have been found to be closely associated with depressive illness.

Married women form the largest group of people suffer from depression. Women with low esteem are more likely to marry unsuitable men because they are afraid that nobody else will want them.

Another environmental factor which can contribute to depression is poor living conditions.

Lets us look at some of the mechanisms of the body and mind and try to figure out- how they affect the depressive disorders.

Depression Causes - Like any disease, there is not a single cause for a depression. Depression is a combination of biological, genetic and psychological factors.

Who gets Depressed? - There are certain factors that make some people more likely to suffer from certain types of depression than others.

Depression Triggers (What will actually make them depressed) - Some sufferers will say that their illness was triggered by events or changes in their life, usually involving some kind of loss or personal threat.

Depression Factors (What keeps them feeling depressed?) - There are various factors which can cause depression.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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