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Postpartum Depression Symptom


What is the Symptoms and Sign for Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression has many symptoms. Most mothers who have the illness find that they are less able to cope with the demands of the baby and of the home. Some or all of the following symptom may occur due to postpartum depression:

  • A depressed mother is often very confused by everyday situations and may experience feelings of panic,
  • Not really enjoy anything. Lack of interest in yourself and your baby,
  • You're tearful for no obvious reason, very frequently,
  • a feeling that you cannot cope with life (eg hopelessness, helplessness),
  • Feeling a failure as a mother,
  • Sleeping problems,
  • Sometimes you long for sleep, yet wake un refreshed each morning,
  • Poor appetite or overeating,
  • Loss of interest (eg. in sex),
  • Poor concentration feeling of tension and anxiety,
  • Obsessional and inappropriate thoughts,
  • Feeling irritable, angry or fearful,
  • Some mothers experience pains with no apparent cause (other than tension and anxiety).
  • Getting angry with the baby,
  • Feeling rejected, and
  • Marital problems (eg. feeling rejected or paranoid).

If your depression lasts longer than a few days you should discuss your feelings with your doctor. If possible take your partner or a friend with you. Before you see the doctor write a list of all the symptoms you are suffering from. You should not go on suffering depression in the hope that it will go away.

Although it may be difficult to rest when you have a demanding baby and perhaps other children to care for, it does help to rest as much as possible if you are suffering from depression. You will find that you feel worse if you are overtired. Ask a partner or a friend to care for the baby whilst you have a proper rest, preferably in the middle of the day. A rest in the day often improves sleeping at night for those with sleeping difficulties. Try also to eat a small meal or have a hot sweet drink at regular intervals, many depressed mothers forget to eat and this can make the depression symptoms feel worse.

Postpartum Depression basics and treatment : Many new mothers feel sad, afraid, angry, or nervous after their baby is born. These feelings, called postpartum or "baby" blues, are very common.

Postpartum Depression Symptom: You may feel you can't cope with your baby and so feel guilty because of this. Or you may feel very sad and cry frequently.

PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - Learn about basics of PMDD, some statistics related to PMDD and its diagnosis criterion.

PMDD Information - "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" (PMDD) is a real biological condition for which women seek treatment--and for which effective treatment is available.

Depression in Women - Statistics suggest that women are more likely to suffer from a depressive illness than men.

Know the symptom of other types of depression other than postpartum depression symptom

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