New Hope for Depressed Teens

Depression is illness in which children having sadness, hopelessness. Teenage depression is a bit difficult to handle as compared to depression in adults. Depression problem now a days appear in teens but it does not require any specialized treatment. The behavioral talk therapy is effective alternative to create new hope in depressed teens. On research it is conclude that kids on antidepressants have a higher rate of suicide ideation. Depression is a common problem generally associated with adults but recently it has become a big problem for teenagers as well. Depression symptoms which occur in teenagers and children includes irritability, unhappiness, despair, aggressive, short-tempered, often lack interest in enjoyable activities, aches and pains.

There are two causes of depression

Unresolve grief – It causes due to death, loss of hopes and dreams and loss of relationship.

Emotional detachment – It causes due to fear and inability to connect with others.

Depression take place in teens because they feel very unhappy or sadness and cannot able to concentrate. It is vital to be conscious that up to 24% of teenagers undergo a main depressive illness permanent a few weeks to a few months at a few time. Depression in teenagers is frequently not recognized. You see real difference when you understand your child because in depression they want help and support of parents. Mostly teenage girls has high risk of depression. The depression in adult is differ than teens.

It is very difficult to communicate with teenagers when they feel very low and you cannot avoid or leave them to deal with their difficult situation. Depression in teenage is for a short time than the adults. A combination of cognitive behavior therapy and antidepressant drugs is a good way to ease depressive symptoms.

What are the treatment used for teens depression?

  • When your child is in problem never ignore them, always take it seriously.
  • Give confidence to your child and help them to think positive.
  • The talk therapy is more effective to decrease the depression in teens.
  • If they depressed then help them to find a right way.
  • SSRI medications, psychotherapy help to reduce the depression.
  • If your child is sad them ask several question.
  • For teenagers counseling or psychotherapy treatment. In this treatment talking regarding your thoughts, feelings and your behaviors.
  • Medication is helpful for depression.

Switching medications and adding behavioral talk therapy turned out to be the most effective alternative, although just switching medications also helped many individuals.

One caveat, however, is that there are few really good cognitive behavioral therapists out there, nor is there any way to distinguish clearly among them, Ripperger-Suhler stated. “To do cognitive behavioral therapy effectively you really need someone who is well-trained and there aren’t very many,” she said.

But other types of talk therapy might also be effective, she added.

Is it just headache or knock of depression?

Headache means pain and depression means sadness both are different but if any human being is suffer form both problem then it difficult to diagnosis. Headaches and depression both are just terrible. Headaches happen because of major depression. Everybody want a proper treatment for headache and depression.

The headache and depression both are complicated because headaches can lead to depression but those who suffer from depression absolutely they have the headaches problem. There are many type of headaches primary headaches which related with illnesses, tension, brain disorders, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. Headache occur because of more depression. Depression which extremely affects on your feelings, moods and causes physical problems. Depression occur when you are very sad or medical illness such as asthma or diabetes. Depression can take place once in a lifetime or it possibly ongoing on a constant basis. Depression is major problem for every human being and main symptoms of depression is headache.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Depressed mood with thoughts of helplessness, sadness and hopelessness.
  • Decreased enthusiasm.
  • Loss of interest in the normal enjoyable activities.
  • Difficulty in concentration.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Difficult in making any decisions.
  • In depression you lot your self-esteem.

Symptoms of Headache

  • Sinus nose diseases.
  • Tiredness.
  • Tension.
  • Stare angrily
  • Smoking and Stress.
  • Reactions of certain foods.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Irritation in the neck muscles.
  • Low energy.
  • Noise.
  • Frequent thoughts of death.
  • Lack of confidence.

Chiropractic is most famous treatment for headache. Chiropractice treatment is use when human being is suffer from post-shocking, tension type and migraine headaches. Acupuncture is another treatment for headache. Biofeedback is called as relaxation therapies useful for those who suffer from migraine and also who suffer from headache pain. Exercise regularly will help you to reduce your stress. For constant headaches then please consult your physician. Aroma therapy and meditation both are helpful for headache and also for depression. Avoid continues taking pain relief drugs. Eat a healthy balanced diet which will maintain your health. Daily yoga also helpful for headache and depression.

Is depression being over diagnosed?

A new study has raised the question whether or not too many people are being diagnosed as having depression. While Professor Gordon Parker, a psychiatrist from Australia says that the threshold for clinical depression is too low, Professor Ian Hickie says otherwise.
Prof Parker carried out a study, following 242 teachers. 15 years into the study, he noted that 79% of the people had met the symptom duration criteria for major, minor or sub-syndrome depression. This caused him to conclude that it is normal to be depressed, reports the BMJ. He also warned that over diagnosis of clinical depression could lead to a diagnosis of it becoming less creditable.

However, Prof Hickie states that if increased diagnosis and treatment has actually led to demonstrable benefits and is cost effective, and then it is not yet being over diagnosed. He insists that diagnosis and treatment has led to a reduction in suicides and increased productivity. He also adds that due to this, there has been a reduction in the stigma attached to being depressed. 

How does STRESS lead to depression in melancholic and psychotic depression?

The brain is made up of anatomical sections and numerous circuits (the latter like railroad tracks). If, for example, the basal ganglia (the brain centres refining motor performance) and the pre-frontal cortex (a structural region at the front of the brain) are disrupted, there are three principal effects: depressed mood, observable PMD and cognitive problems.
Disruption of these circuits can occur in response to stress or even spontaneously. We can presume that certain neurotransmitters (these modulate mood and other mental states) have been ‘turned off’. Many factors may influence neurotransmitter function.
In melancholic depression (and, less clearly in psychotic depression) there is often a family history of depression, suggesting a genetic influence. People with melancholic depression will commonly report a significant stress prior to their first, or first few, episodes. Subsequent episodes tend to appear more spontaneously and are less clearly related to stressful events. Therefore, certain genetic influences may create a vulnerability that initially requires a stress event to trigger the depressive state.
Physics provides a useful analogy with Hookes’ Law, which states that if elastic objects are stretched within their limitations, they will ‘bounce back’ to their previous state. If, however, they are stretched beyond a certain point, their elasticity is lost. In melancholic depression, for example, it seems that initial elasticity allows the vulnerable individual to be unaffected by stressful events-for a period at least. However, once a formal episode has occurred, the elasticity is lessened and future episodes may occur without the individual being ‘stretched’ or ‘stressed’. Vulnerability has been manifested and is no longer latent.
Certain drugs and some diseases can also act like environmental stressors, in that they have the capacity to disrupt some of the brain’s neural circuits linking the basal ganglia and pre-frontal cortex (presumably by using differing pathways and affecting mechanisms). In older people, the effects of the aging brain may disrupt the circuits in other ways. There are parallels between these depressive conditions and Parkinson’s disease (which causes changes in the basal ganglia and other parts of the brain), including depression and a movement disorder.
These parallels provide some understanding of biological depressive disorders such as melancholia. In psychotic melancholia, the disruptions in the brain’s circuitry are more severe and extend to other brain circuits and regions, causing delusions and hallucinations as well as severe PMD.

How does STRESS lead to depression in the non-melancholic disorders?

The Mood Disorders Unit suspects that non-melancholic disorders are primarily caused by psychological processes reflecting an interaction between stress and the individual’s personality. A central feature of ‘depression’ is loss of one’s self-esteem (that is, thinking less of oneself or being increasingly self-critical). Any event, therefore, that impacts on an individual’s sense of self-worth risks precipitating depression.
A common stress event to impact on self-esteem is the break-up of an intimate relationship. The event itself is irrelevant- it is the individual’s response to the event that is crucial.
Consider an individual who responds to a marital break-up with, ‘My wife has left me for another man as she thinks I’m a jerk, and everything recently just confirms what a hopeless human being I am.’ Contrast this with somebody who says, ‘My wife-what a jerk-has left me. Great. I can get on with life again.’ The chance of developing depression is greater for the first respondent than the second. This is because the event differed in terms of its impact on each individual’s self-esteem levels or because they ‘processed’ the event differently as a result of their differing personalities.
Stressful events can be acute (a marital break-up) or ongoing (a dysfunctional marriage), but both have an impact on an individual’s self-esteem.
Many people who develop a non-melancholic disorder have such a low ongoing self-image, or their personality type is such, that any stressful event is likely to trigger depression. In a sense, some people actually create their own triggers. For example, a woman who thinks that everyone rejects her may misinterpret a remark at a party and become immediately and distinctly depressed.

The purpose of normal depression

For most people, depression (even the commonly occurring normal depression) is an unpleasant experience that often interferes with day-to-day functioning.
What then is the purpose of such a painful experience? This question can be linked to another one: what is the purpose of pain? Pain has one distinct advantage – the unpleasant side effects of pain mean that most of us will go to considerable length to avoid it. For example, if we did not find heat painful, we might get too close to a fire and suffer the consequences. It is for such reasons that many nerves in our bodies have heat receptors.
In a similar way, it could be argued that normal depression can be an automatic defence response or a response cued by certain situations. Such a proposition has been explored recently by the American psychiatrist Randolph Nesse, in particular how normal depression may have offered a selective advantage to civilization over time. To the extent that ay of Nesse’s interpretations have validity, they allow the individual to question the meaning of a depressed mood.
Is normal depression a plea or cry for help?
It is unlikely that normal depression is cry for help. If it is, then it is not a very useful or effective signal, as it is more likely to evoke negative response from others.

Additional Serious Health Hazards of Depression

One study of ten thousands met and women over sixty five with blood pressure readings higher than 160/95 found that over a three-year period, the ones with symptoms of depression suffered strokes at almost three times the rate of their hypertensive but un-depressed peers. Depressed patients recovering from a hip fracture and from pneumonia and other infections had more difficulty regaining functions like walking. Other research suggests that up to one third of Alzheimer’s patients become clinically depressed at some point in the course of this illness. Doctors, and families, too, often take a fatalistic approach to Alzheimer’s and do nothing about the depression, even though some of the afflicted will make small but significant improvements when treated for it.
Psychiatrists who specialize in treating cancer patients say that mush the same problems arise there as well. Doctors fail to prescribe an antidepressant because they think, “If I had that illness I had feel dreary, too.” Often, cancer-related problems, such as pain, are prominent provokers of depression –another major reason some patients adopt adopt what physicians think of as a “rational” approach to suicide.

Domestic Violence Causes Depression in Adolescent

According to a study, teenagers who witness domestic violence between their parents are considerably more likely to suffer from symptoms of depression.
In the study of adolescents in the Philippines, almost half of all young people reported witnessing parental domestic violence.
The researchers studied data from 2,051 young men and women aged 17 to 19. They discovered that one in 10 of the male adolescents and one in 5 of the female adolescents had contemplated suicide occasionally or most of the time in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.
Young women reported the most depressive symptoms when they recalled that a parent needed medical attention as a result of domestic violence. Young men reported the most symptoms when they recalled mutual violence between their parents.

Depression in Senior Citizens

Senior citizens who suffer from mild depression are 5 times more likely to develop clinical depression within a year compared to those who had no symptoms.
A study at the University of Rochester found that lots of senior citizens struggle silently with depressed feelings, which in turn affect their physical conditions.
The study showed that depressive feelings in the elderly can grow worse if left unchecked.
Sadness about a medical condition or a loved one’s death is normal. But it becomes a serious problem when a person no longer leaves the house, does not groom himself or eat properly, or has thoughts of suicide.
The best place to notice the early signs of depression in senior citizens is in the primary care doctor’s office, where a physician can ask questions about a person’s attitude toward life and how the person is taking care of himself.