Change Your Thoughts

Can change in Thoughts Brings a change in Attitude?

Is Cognitive restructuring here as a miracle or it is a myth? Let us find what it is and get the solution.

Every thought we have brings a simultaneous neuro-chemical change in the brain out of which few are temporary while some are long lasting. When some people show or express gratitude, they experience an increase of neurotransmitters like dopamine which are often associated with Rewards or being rewarded.

Any thought or information which flows through the brain changes or sculpts the brain in permanent ways. The pattern in the brain is changed by the flowing thoughts across the brain structure and the change in neural activity actually changes your neural structure.

How Negativity in Thoughts Effects Brain functioning?

Negativity flows in the brain in the same fashion and it causes the brain cells to be hit by peptides from negative thoughts. These peptides will then dominate you thought process as well whenever there is any kind of though, whether positive or negative. It further reduces the positive peptides in the cell, inclining you more towards negativity.

There is though good news for all of us that the cells in the brain are replaces every 2 months and they can be reprogrammed to work with good positive cells rather than the same negative thoughts. You need to be more optimistic and start taking positive thinking practices for example – mindfulness and gratitude.

The Ten Commandments for Effective Personal Development

Here are the top picks of the Principles for effective Personal Development. Do not read them in order and follow them from top to bottom with same preference.

  1. You should be loving toward everyone you meet.
  2. Remember, you become what you think and believe. So think positive and be positive.
  3. Express gratitude by looking and doing ways which can strengthen those who have less than you have.
  4. You should always seek knowledge and truth.
  5. Remember honesty is the best policy for your brain training for being positive.
  6. Forgive all.
  7. Do not waste anything whatever you have whether time, money, energy, etc.
  8. Always to thankful to God for all that you have.
  9. Be optimistic.
  10. Believe and have faith in something which is greater than you.