Signs of Emotional Abuse

Spotting the Signs of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is all about gaining control over the other person. In this situation, a person exerts control over the life of another person. It can come in many shapes and forms and can range from very subtle version like damaging words uttered from one spouse to another to something as harsh as intimidating shouts paired with physical abuse.

According to Dr. Donnerfeld, psychologist from New York City, in the context of a relationship, the emotionally abusive person makes verbal attacks to one’s character and person. Communications in the case of emotional abusive relationships are often insulting, threatening, mocking, controlling and critical. The abuser also limits ones access to outside help such as friends, relatives, etc.

Classes of Emotional Abuse

According to the experts, there are below mentioned classes of emotional abuse:

–             humiliating or criticizing the person

–             disciplining a person with degrading punishments

–             not recognising a person’s own individuality and limitations

–             exposing a person to distressing events or interactions

–             never expressing positive feelings towards a the  person

–             never showing any emotions in interactions with the person

Emotional Abuse in Children

Small babies and pre-school children being emotionally abused can show the following symptoms:

  1. They become overly affectionate towards strangers
  2. They tend to show lack in confidence or become highly anxious
  3. Do not display close relationship with their parent
  4. They are aggressive or nasty with animals or other children

Older children Signs and Symptoms for Abuse

  1. They tend to use language that you wouldn’t expect them to know at their age
  2. They struggle to control strong emotions
  3. Often they seem isolated from their parents and friends
  4. They display lack of social skills

Watch Out for These Signs

The signs of emotional abuse can be very difficult to spot and determine.  If you see or hear one person in a relationship being openly verbally abusive to the other one, it is one of the classic emotional abuse examples. You need to look for the more subtle signs, too.