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What is Febrile Seizure?


A febrile seizure is also known as a febrile convulsion or fever fit is a convulsion brought on by a sudden fever. It is common in toddlers and particularly occurs in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. In many cases when febrile seizure occurs children have temperature greater than 102 degrees F. Roughly out of 25 children one is affected by at least one febrile seizure. A febrile seizure is for few seconds or minutes but rarely lasting for fifteen minutes not more than that. It is slightly greater in male than female.

What are the types of febrile seizure?

  • Simple febrile seizures - Simple febrile seizures are more common lasts less than 15 minutes, does not reappear within 24 hours and involves the whole body. Neurological report does not show any abnormalities.
  • Complex febrile seizures - It is generally more than 15 minutes, reoccurring and affects an isolated part of the body. It can occur at temperature minor than 38.3°C. Neurological test may show some abnormalities.

What are the causes of febrile seizure?

  • High body temperature or fever.
  • Febrile seizures often run in families
  • Fever caused by viral upper respiratory infections, roseola or ear infections may responsible for febrile seizure.
  • Sometimes children less than one year old may cause febrile seizure because of Meningitis or encephalitis.
  • A neuronal hyperexcitability caused by some mutations could be responsible for febrile seizures.
  • Smoking and alcohol drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of febrile seizure.
  • Parental fertility problems, chronic maternal ill health, breech birth, Caesarean birth, developmental delay, small birth weight, and cerebral problems may increase the risk of febrile seizures.

Symptoms of febrile seizure

  • Sudden contraction of muscles occur mainly muscles of arms, legs, trunk and face.
  • Child may become unconsciousness, rigid and move limbs on both sides of the body, rolling of the eyes.
  • Child may cry or moan because of muscle contraction of face.
  • If child is standing may fall and may pass urine.
  • Child may start to become blue, may bite his tongue and may vomit. Sometimes child may stop breathing.
  • Child does not give any response to parent’s voice.

Treatment of febrile seizure

  • Anticonvulsants can be prescribed by doctor for treatment of febrile seizure.
  • Sodium valproate, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin or Clonazepam drugs are used for treatment.
  • The normal dose of ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) is given after seizure to reduce fever which is responsible for causing seizure.
  • Most effective way is use of Phenobarbital.

What should be done if child has a febrile seizure?

  1. If child is in dangerous location move him and leave it on floor.
  2. Remove tight cloths specially area of neck.
  3. If child vomits, turn him/her on his/her side or stomach to prevent choking.
  4. Don’t put anything into mouth.