How to increasing mental strength?

Take 7 almonds, 7 black pepper, 2 lesser cardamom and 3 gms big fennel (in summers, instead of fennel use coriander) and dip in a glass vessel filled with water. After exercise in the morning, peel the almond and lesser cardamom and mash with black pepper and fennel. Then add 250 gms water to the paste and sieve in a cloth. Add 2 teaspoonfuls of honey or sugar candy and drink slowly. This milk of almond is very useful for increasing memory power and body strength.

  • In summers, three gms coriander, cold water and sugar candy are the best. These are good for those with pitta nature.
  • In winters, fennel, lukewarm water and honey is the best. It is also useful for those with vata nature.
  • The numbers of almonds can be increased by two every month up to 15. Likewise, the other things can also be increased accordingly.
  • A child who cannot digest mother’s milk due to weak digestive power should be given this milk of almonds.

Fennel and sugar candy taken in equal quantities in the dose of two teaspoonfuls after food helps in case of a weak brain. Take at least for one or two months.

  • Fennel is very useful in ailments of the eyes, vertigo and digestive power. It also helps in preventing cataract formation.
  • It is very helpful in vomiting, thirst, pitta ailments, stomach ache, indigestion, amoebic dysentery etc.
  • It is also a blood purifier. Chew 10 gms fennel in the morning and evening daily without adding anything sweet to it.
  • For burning palms and soles add powdered fennel and coriander in equal quantities and sugar candy and take 6 gms after food with water daily.
  • For stomach problems in children, boil two teaspoonfuls of powdered fennel in 200 gms of water, sieve, cool and keep in a water bottle. Give one teaspoonful thrice a day to babies for distension, indigestion etc.

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