Top tips to Live Your Life Well like a Dream come true

You might have bumped into the articles and theories around how to keep yourself happy and live a life well. These tips are scattered around all subject areas and do not divulge the top of these tips to make you live happier and healthier for years. There are many such tools and tips which can make you feel stronger and more hopeful.

1. Connect with others
2. Stay positive
3. Get physically active
4. Help others
5. Get enough sleep
6. Create joy and satisfaction
7. Eat well
8. Take care of your spirit
9. Deal better with hard times
10. Get professional help if you need it

Why Mental Health Matters for all of us?

Does this question poses any dilemma in your mind thinking that mental health matters only to people with mental illness? Well the answer is mental health is not dependant on you being a patient of mental health.

Here are some of the kep benefits of putting a check on your mental well being and pay attention:

1.You can keep your emotions, thoughts and attitudes under check to affect your energy, productivity and overall health in positive manner.
2. Good mental health strengthens your ability to cope with everyday hassles and more serious crises and challenges.
3. It is essential to creating the life you want.
4. Same as you brush teeth for healthy teeth and gums, take bath for proper hygiene; similarly take steps to promote your mental health. Start with the first step to keep stress under check.