Home Disorders ADHD L-Tyrosine and ADD/ADHD

L-Tyrosine and ADD/ADHD


What is L-Tyrosine?

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is used to help with regulating the ways how neurotransmitters are handled in the brain. It works as an acid that can influence a person’s behavior. It is one of the most important things for anyone to deal with when it comes to handling ADD or ADHD.

It is also used to help with creating a regular form of promotion for dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter in the brain. Dopamine is used to make it so the body will feel relaxed and able to focus on things.

Can a supplement work?

A nutritional supplement with this amino acid may end up working to get a person with ADD or ADHD to be able to focus. Many L-Tyrosine supplements are able to work to get a person to improve in terms of how one’s activities are handled and to see that a person’s mood is going to become properly stable. It is especially useful in that a good supplement can work on a daily basis.

What are L-Tyrosine's effects?

An important thing about this amino acid is that it does not have as many effects as other materials used to treat ADD and ADHD. Amino acids are often naturally occurring materials that can work without some of the side effects that many medications can work with. These include effects from Adderall and Ritalin among other commonly used medications. The fact that L-Tyrosine is able to relax on the body and feel better will be something good to take a look at as well. This will allow a person’s body to feel relaxed and more likely to feel comfortable over time.

L-Tyrosine can be found in a number of dosage levels

The last benefit of L-Tyrosine is that it can work with a variety of different dosage levels for different needs. For example, some L-Tyrosine products work at levels of as low as 200mg while others are as high as 1500mg.