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Overcoming Paranoia


If you wish to overcome paranoia, there are many things which can help you to control the symptoms and make the life of people around you easier.

• Always take care of yourself. Do not be tired, worn down and stressed. Eat healthy food, drink lot of water, have a nice quality sleep, and do regular walking. Enjoy the things which you used to during your childhood, adulthood, etc. Create a positive environment in your life and leave little scope for paranoia to pick up.
• Avoid drinking too much and do not use illicit drugs since it can trigger some paranoia related thoughts.
• It is in affect the decision of one person about trusting or not trusting other people. A list of all the pros and cons will help you structure your thoughts around the trust possibilities.

Confide in someone you can trust and share your fears. If one can share their paranoid thoughts it becomes easier for them to cope with the thoughts. Get another perspective about your feelings and inhibitions.

Keep a check on the thoughts you are getting – maintain a diary or log of the thoughts and analyze the pattern like when they occur, what triggers them, etc. You may conclude that a particular situation spark the paranoia symptoms like getting very anxious or very bored. Putting down the paranoid thoughts removes them from your mind and route them to a piece of paper.

You need to manage your worry, since it is a killer for a paranoid person. The more you worry, the more anxious you become. So stop worrying. Apply this technique where you save all your worrying for a limited half-hour session daily. This will be your worry period.

Self help tips for Paranoid Person

Give the suspicious thoughts a miss as and when they come to your mind. Focus on what you are doing instead of focusing on what is going in the mind.

Use diaries and writing tools to stay away from your fear and thoughts. Monitor and learn about your paranoid thoughts by writing them down and finding the pattern.

Follow the rules of good decision-making. Learn how to review paranoid thoughts and put forth an alternative explanation for the experiences you have.

Some typical questions which can help you tackle the paranoid thoughts are as follows: Is there anything by which I can prove the thought is incorrect? What my family and friends say if I select to tell them the thoughts? Do I have any suggestion if I am approached by a friend with similar problem? Are the thought process I am carrying is just in thoughts or it has some evidences?

You need to test your thoughts and do not avoid the situation which triggers paranoia. This can worsen the situation.

Testing out your paranoid thoughts involves actively seeking out the situations you're afraid of. That can be pretty nerve-wracking, so you need to go carefully. Draw up a list of tasks you find difficult and start with the relatively easy ones. Once you're comfortable with those, gradually work your way up to the more difficult tasks.

The trick behind this is to have a mindful attitude. Try to stay detached as much as possible. Again, concentrate on what you're doing, instead of what you are thinking.

Follow some encouraging words like It’s just the thoughts and they do not matter at all to me. The thoughts cannot really scare or frighten me.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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