Today’s youth experiencing high levels of stress

Today youngster experiencing high level stress. The source of age is diverse in a different age. Twenty-seven street youth and 27 nonrenewable peers were responded to a questionnaire investigating history of running away, depression level, coping strategies, family history and stress. One of the most impotent reason of stress in youngster is extreme use of drugs and alcohol. Adolescents use a sample of 228 which detained in the juvenile justice system, stress and help to independent main effects and as interactive risk factors in relation to depressive symptoms.

The street youth had higher stress levels both before and after leaving home. The emotional stress is higher in girls than the boys. The high prevalence of depression in the youth indicate a need to better understand factors that contribute to depression within susceptible subgroup. The stressful life events are more closely associated with depressive symptom among the boys than the girls.

On the present study the percentage of the stress and depression is more in canadian street youth. Stress and depression were positively correlated for the street youth as compared with non-runaways. The nervousness, depression, anxiety and unhappiness were combined to create a emotional stress scale.

Presence of high and low stress depends on level of sebum. High levels of stress associated with pain and somatic symptoms leading the adolescent to search for health care. The street youth have lot of stress and depression on them due to homeless. In most of the youth stress create due to failure to meet these school and peer act outlook.

In youth generally emotional stress occurs. This emotional stress is of three type that is high, medium and low. The emotional stress is measured with the help of emotional stress scale.

Why high levels of stress occurs in today’s youth?

The stress in youngster occurs in different level of ages. In 13 to 17 year old stress due to academics while in 18 to 24 year old stress due to job and financial matters. Mostly in teenager the stress occurs due to academics and career related problems such as excel in school, perform well in sports activities, keep up with the new latest trends and choose the higher education stream. The different type of stress due to risk of intimidation and damage. Many female have uncomfortable in many public and it also add the level of stress.

The high level of stress occurs in young female due to a series of terrorist activities. Generally young females are more stressed than the male. The reason of high stress is due to mental illness. This stress may damage to the brain of young.The factors like high rates of mobility, contact to alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in families and communities are responsible for increase the level of stress.

The another reason of the high level of stress due to depression in younger. More stressful events and less caregivers also responsible for the depression which leads to the high level of stress in youth. The high level of stress causes to the suicidal behavior.

Generally the all street youth have unsufficient nutrients which causes to the low bone mass. The low bone mass is related with osteoporosis. This is main cause of high level of stress in street youth. High levels of stress can causes to the poor performance which increases levels of stress.

Tips for family that reduce high levels of stress in youth

  • Use the simple recognition note which is powerful way to recognize positive things in younger one.
  • Discuss the everyday task which will be completed by children.
  • A simple smile and sense produces a wave of neurotransmitters in the brain that supports a sense of satisfaction and safety which is most simple way to reduce level of stress.
  • Develop supportive relation with youth.
  • Talk respectfully with youth.
  • Give the facility to make their own choices.

Conclusion – The stress is decreases by understanding the factors which causes the depression. The street youth has higher stress level. The high stress level causes due to mental illness and low bone mass. The study shows that stress can aggravate swelling. Today’s fast life automatically causes the stress on youth.

How to increasing mental strength?

Take 7 almonds, 7 black pepper, 2 lesser cardamom and 3 gms big fennel (in summers, instead of fennel use coriander) and dip in a glass vessel filled with water. After exercise in the morning, peel the almond and lesser cardamom and mash with black pepper and fennel. Then add 250 gms water to the paste and sieve in a cloth. Add 2 teaspoonfuls of honey or sugar candy and drink slowly. This milk of almond is very useful for increasing memory power and body strength.

  • In summers, three gms coriander, cold water and sugar candy are the best. These are good for those with pitta nature.
  • In winters, fennel, lukewarm water and honey is the best. It is also useful for those with vata nature.
  • The numbers of almonds can be increased by two every month up to 15. Likewise, the other things can also be increased accordingly.
  • A child who cannot digest mother’s milk due to weak digestive power should be given this milk of almonds.

Fennel and sugar candy taken in equal quantities in the dose of two teaspoonfuls after food helps in case of a weak brain. Take at least for one or two months.

  • Fennel is very useful in ailments of the eyes, vertigo and digestive power. It also helps in preventing cataract formation.
  • It is very helpful in vomiting, thirst, pitta ailments, stomach ache, indigestion, amoebic dysentery etc.
  • It is also a blood purifier. Chew 10 gms fennel in the morning and evening daily without adding anything sweet to it.
  • For burning palms and soles add powdered fennel and coriander in equal quantities and sugar candy and take 6 gms after food with water daily.
  • For stomach problems in children, boil two teaspoonfuls of powdered fennel in 200 gms of water, sieve, cool and keep in a water bottle. Give one teaspoonful thrice a day to babies for distension, indigestion etc.

Foods that Counteract Stress

During stress, the body needs more of certain nutrients because they are burned up faster than usual. Stress increases the demand for vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex, proteins, magnesium, antioxidants and essential oils. To counteract the stress effects, one needs more of these nutrients.
There is a high concentration of vitamin C in our brain tissues, more than any other tissue in the body. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, that is used up quickly during stressful periods. One needs to cater to the high demand for this vitamin during high levels of stress. An amount between 500-1,000 milligrams would be required to combat the stress after-effects. The best sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables.
Vitamin A is another requirement during times of stress. It is needed for maintenance of skin, mucous membranes, bones, teeth and hair, eyesight, and reproduction. Vitamin A may also protect against cancer. Liver (especially fish liver), egg yolk, fortified margarine, oily fish, oranges, apricots, carrots, tomatoes, melons, and dark green leafy vegetables contain this vitamin in abundance.
Magnesium is found in dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grain foods, legumes, milk.
Proteins are of two types – animal protein and vegetable protein. Animal protein can be found in foods like meat, fish, egg and all dairy products, while vegetable protein is found in grains, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds and sprouted seeds.
Stress increases the generation of free radicals in the body, which are the main cause of cancer. The only elements that can fight free radicals are antioxidants, found in plenty in cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc. They are rich in bio-flavinoids, which are powerful antioxidants. During stressful times, the body generates a whole lot of free radicals, which cause harm to the body cells. Bio-flavinoids protect the body against cell damage caused by free radicals.
Another important source of antioxidants is green tea. It contains an abundance of polyphenols which are active agents protecting against heart disease and cancer. The polyphenols also protect against the damages caused by stress. Chamomile tea is a powerful anti-stress agent. It relaxes and soothes the mind and promotes sound sleep.
Fruits are an essential ingredient, which could provide the required amounts of antioxidants required to counteract stress.
They contain simple sugars and complex carbohydrates, which help raise the serotonin levels in the bloodstream. Serotonins are the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters, which elevate mood and fight depression.
Vegetable and fruit juices are also a good source of antioxidants. A regular glass of any fruit juice or vegetable juice can go a long way in helping the body cope with the detrimental effects of stress.

Learning rational thinking

Rational thinking is realistic thinking, not simply positive thinking. Sometimes ‘positive’ thoughts can be irrational and leave a person feeling just as down. For example, ‘This time I will succeed. It’ll be different to every other time’.
Such a self-instruction is irrational as it sets up unrealistic expectations that will only lead to feelings of failure and despair if things don’t work out. Of course, we should all allow for faults, mistakes, bad moods and unpleasant feelings over the course of an ordinary day. The trick is not to let such feelings overcome us.
The way we talk to ourselves influences the way we feel and behave. For example, ‘I feel upset about what just happened, but I won’t let myself dwell on it’ instead of, ‘oh no! How can I face the rest of the day after this! I’m too upset to work. Today is a disaster’. People who continually tell themselves ‘I can’t cope ‘ will end up believing it. This will prevent them from learning new ways of coping.
Here are some of the common irrational beliefs that can have a very negative effect on thought patterns.
• It is essential that people think are important to me should like/love/approve of me all the time. If they don’t, it must mean that I’m bad/worthless.
• I must be good at what I do and always try to improve myself.
• Some people are bad/wicked/evil and I should be very upset by their behavior.
• It is a total disaster if things don’t work out the way I want.
• Fate/destiny controls us. We have little to do with causing our own sorrows or unhappiness.
• If something is, or may be, dangerous or frightening, I must be concerned about it and worry about it happening to me.
• If things are too hard it’s better to avoid them than fail.
• We must have others to rely on. We all need someone stronger than ourselves in order to cope with life.
• What happened in my past will always affect me-both now and in the future.
• I should be very upset and dwell on other people’s problems and crises if I really care for them.
Changing the way we think, by being aware of our thoughts, involves three stages:
Anticipation-before the event.
Reaction-during the event.
Analysis-after the event.
How someone looks forward to an activity is very important in laying the groundwork for their emotional response. For example, if an invitation to a party brings an emotional response such as, ‘I won’t know anyone there. I’ll look so stupid’, then negative thinking has to be stopped before it starts. It is completely self-defeating. More self-encouraging statements would be: ‘I might find the party a bit of a strain but I’ll get myself a drink and stand in the kitchen. 1 might be able to offer some food around and get to talk to people that way.’
Self-talk in any situation will make a difference to the way someone copes. Negative thoughts after an event will make it harder to face that activity in future. Develop the habit of thinking logically rather than emotionally. For example: ‘I’m shy at parties, but they are an important part of meeting people. What can 1 do to cope better? Which “bits” worry me most?’

Benefits of Exercise for Depression

Stroke patients who participate in a therapeutic exercise program can see a reduction in depression.
Depression is common in stroke patients. Earlier studies have discovered that physical exercise can help depressed patients, but the benefits of exercise on stroke patients are unknown.
During a study, the exercise program consisted of a progressive, structured, three-month regimen that targeted strength, balance, endurance and arm function.
After 3 months, depressive symptoms persisted in 14% of patients in the exercise group and 35.6% in the usual care group. After 9 months, the rates of depressive symptoms were 7.5% in the exercise group and 25% in the usual care group.

The laughter side of Life

Learn to see the lighter side of life
A sense of humor is learned, not inherited and you can sharpen your wits if you really want to, no matter what your age, sex or circumstance in life, is. Here are some of his tips for lightening up.
Be a good listener: most people are so self-absorbed they don’t pay full attention to what’s happening around them or even what’s being said for them. That’s half the trouble. Because humor is about life’s subtleties. A keen listener keeps his ear to the ground, is alert to nuances, changes in tone and actually hears what is being said.
Result: the more you hear, the wider your horizons will be and the bigger your stock of anecdotes.
Cultivate an atmosphere of humor and laughter at home
Make it a habit to daily regale your family with some thing funny that happened in the office, on your way home, or just recall something good from the past. This in turn forces you to start noticing the unusual things in a day.
Seek the right company if you don’t laugh as much as you used to and want to correct the situation, try to associate with humorous, fun loving people and avoid the downers. If you are a loner, turn to books on satire or watch comedy serials or movies, to keep your humour muscles vigorous. It’s okay even if they’re the slapstick kind.
Learn to laugh at yourself or you’ll end up handing over the job to others. Most people are unable to laugh at themselves because of their own insecurities and fears, we are afraid of looking foolish or incompetent in the eyes of others. It is important to realize that we all make mistakes and when we do, a good laugh makes the mistake seem trivial and more human.
Go back to lighthearted childhood favorites.
Watch the cartoon network once in while or just make a collage of the funniest jokes or snippets you came across, and put them up on display on the fridge or the bulletin board.
These can serve as daily reminders to laugh.
Use humor to neutralize conflicts sometimes self deprecatory humor can help lighten things up instantly. 

To connect with people in discussing or vent off your feelings visit Depression Forums

Pep up – in an Instant – By Laugh Therapy

LAUGH THERAPY: Feeling sluggish or perhaps a little down in the dumps? We have just the cure for what may be ailing you- something to put a little spring in your step. As a matter of fact, this easy-to-get, no-cost prescription is all around you- its laughter and putting on a happy act. 

Laughter is serious business. It is scientifically proven that humor, laughter and playing happy can have dramatic health benefits. In fact, it is an essential, and often overlooked, part of holistic health.
Endorphins are the morphine within; and the pharmacy is open 24/7.
When you laugh, you breathe deep, sit up straight, and exercise the mind and body. It’s a great work out, and sets the stage for improved communication, creativity and productivity. 

People with a happier chemistry are happier people and, believe it or not, we can manufacture that chemistry from our inner cellular pharmacy. By learning to act as if you are happy, healthy and vital, even when you don’t feel that way, you can change your body’s chemistry and begin to feel the way you act. Here’s how. 

– Stand in front of the mirror and let out a 15-second belly laugh. Not just giggles, an all-out, laugh so hard that your belly shakes. You may feel ridiculous, but do it anyway.
As the saying goes- lead the body and the mind will follow. We can’t always wait until we feel happy. Sometimes we need to laugh, boost our endorphins and then feel happy. Do this three times a day for at least 15 seconds. 

– Maintain a posture that is up, out and forward. If you feel your shoulders hunched forward, your face in a pout and your breathing slow and heavy, try to shake it off literally. Try “j-arming” or jogging in place while moving your arms. Pretend to conduct the music on the radio. The silliness factor alone should be enough to beat the blues, at least for a while. Just as theater performers use techniques for the stage, you can get into the performance for a longer lifetime and act your way into happiness. Eventually it becomes a real habit. 

– Wear or surround yourself with bright colors 

– Turn on some up beat music with a catchy toe-tapping tune 

You can check out more therapies here: 

To connect with other people in discussing depression or vent your feelings, why not join our SUPPORT FORUM – A supportive message board for discussing all aspects of depression. 

Pal’s Tips For Pumping Up Your Humor Muscles

•Make a list of all the things you find funny about yourself. This can actually end up being a soul-searching exercise. You will open up to things you would normally suppress, hide or pretend don’t exist-say a large snout, a little lisp when you say, the esses. “Seeing yourself the way the world sees you, will ready you for a crack that may come in your direction, so it won’t be a nasty surprise,” says pal.
•Be a bathroom comedian, where you can entertain yourself by joking on yourself. “This will not only give you the confidence to take jokes in the face but also think up a befitting reply without showing that you are hurt or offended.”
•If you are the butt of jokes at home or at the workplace try to find out the reason. “Often the banter may be an overt sign of an underlying problem that needs to be tackled,” says Pal. Like your late coming, or your slow working style, or your wardrobe that needs to be updated.Once you face up to the problem, you may find the solution to it in the jokes, itself.
Lastly, keep in mind that if someone chooses you as a target, it’s a matter of pride. ‘Cause it means, there is something in you that can actually make laugh and that’s a wonderful thing. And when you take things with a pinch of humor, you will actually be appreciated all the more. 

Are you feeling bored? Try chit-chatting on our forums 

Talk to someone!!!

OK ppl i know that a lot of you want to leave this place alot of you dont think that you can handle whatever it is that your going through but honestly suicide, cutting, puking, self-abuse is not the answer. You have to look deep in your heart and know that there is people in this world that loves you and need you to be with them. If you dont have that one person that you think you can talk to you are mistaken. There is always someone in everyones life that will be there for them even if you cant see them yet they are there. I promise. I found the people that understand me. Im a stubborn person so i hate to talk about my problems but my friends love me so they force it out of me and i know that i can go to them and cry. Even if they have never felt the i have felt they know how to make it all better. And if you are a teen you need friends the most someone to talk and if you dont think you have anyfriends go to your counsler someone but dont hold it in because it will turn in a problem that ends up 10 times worse then you wanted it to end like. How Family and Friends can help?


Depression glass

i don’t kno if this will help ne one out there but if it does then here u go, i don’t even kno the point of this poem but i write to let it go.
I tell myself it’s all fake
the tears ive cryed the pain I hide
I don’t even admit my feeling to myself
it would make them real
if they’r real then other will see how i feel and causing them pain would only hurt me more
to let people in
invites some one to take them from you
so I stay alone or i have shallow relationships
I don’t even let my “best friend” kno how much pain im in
no drugs for me
no out bursts
that would make them realize how I feel
and then they would try to help
but no one can so i bottle it up and save it for later.
——(Mare\’ Tuck)