Pal’s Tips For Pumping Up Your Humor Muscles

•Make a list of all the things you find funny about yourself. This can actually end up being a soul-searching exercise. You will open up to things you would normally suppress, hide or pretend don’t exist-say a large snout, a little lisp when you say, the esses. “Seeing yourself the way the world sees you, will ready you for a crack that may come in your direction, so it won’t be a nasty surprise,” says pal.
•Be a bathroom comedian, where you can entertain yourself by joking on yourself. “This will not only give you the confidence to take jokes in the face but also think up a befitting reply without showing that you are hurt or offended.”
•If you are the butt of jokes at home or at the workplace try to find out the reason. “Often the banter may be an overt sign of an underlying problem that needs to be tackled,” says Pal. Like your late coming, or your slow working style, or your wardrobe that needs to be updated.Once you face up to the problem, you may find the solution to it in the jokes, itself.
Lastly, keep in mind that if someone chooses you as a target, it’s a matter of pride. ‘Cause it means, there is something in you that can actually make laugh and that’s a wonderful thing. And when you take things with a pinch of humor, you will actually be appreciated all the more. 

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Brain Shield

We have already told you in an earlier issue, that curcumin (a component of turmeric and cumin seeds) could break up plaques formed by beta-amyloid deposits in the brains of genetically altered lab mice. Such plaques are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. When the researchers added small amounts of curcumin to human beta-amyloid proteins in a test tube, the compound kept the proteins from accumulated to from the fibers that comprise the plaques. Reporting in the Journal of Boilogical Chemistry, the UCLA research team said curcumin was more effective in inhibited plaque formation than some drugs being tested as Alzheimer’s treatments. Curcumin’s low molecular weight and structure allows it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and bind to beta-amyloid.
Curcumin has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory in traditional Indian medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It appears to counter the oxidative damage and inflammation that occurs in response to amyloid deposits, the UCLA researchers sat. Apart from Alzheimer’s disease, curcumin is under study in cancer and heart disease and animal studies suggest it may also help treat multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis. According to the researchers no spice has ever looked more promising.

Body Image

The body image or body schema is a person’s subjective representation against which the integrity of his body is judged and the movement and positioning of its parts assessed. Specific abnormalities of the body image arise in neurological disorders. These abnormalities include the awareness of a phantom limb after amputation, unilateral lack of awareness or neglect(usually following stroke), hemisomatognosia (the person feels, incorrectly, that a limb is missing), and anosognosia (lack of awareness
of loss of function often of hemiplegia). These abnormalities are described in textbooks of neurology and in the textbook of neuropsychiatry by Lishman (1998).
Distorted awareness of size and shape of the body occurs occasionally in healthy people when they are tired or falling asleep. The experience, which
includes feelings that a limb is enlarging, becoming smaller, or otherwise being distorted, occurs also in migraine, as part of the aura of epilepsy, and after taking LSD. Changes of shape and size of body parts are described by some schizophrenic patients. Except for some schizophrenics, the person is aware that the experience is unreal. Coenestopathic states are localized distortions of body awareness, for example, the nose feels as if it is made of cotton wool.
A general distortion of the body image occurs in anorexia nervosa: the patient is convinced that he is fat when in fact he is underweight, sometimes to the point of emaciation.
The reduplication phenomenon is the experience that the body has doubled, or that part of the body has done so, for example, that there are two left arms. The experience is reported very occasionally in migraine, temporal lobe epilepsy, and schizophrenia.

Psychogenic Amnesia

Psychogenic amnesia is thought to result from an active process of repression which prevents the recall of memories that would otherwise evoke unpleasant emotions. The ideas arose from the study of dissociative amnesia, but the same factors may playa part in some cases of organic amnesia, helping to explain why the return of some memories is delayed longer than others.

False Memory Syndrome

It is a matter of dispute whether memories can be repressed completely but return many years later. The question arises most often when memories of
sexual abuse are reported during psychotherapy by a person who had no recollection of the events before the psychotherapy began, and the events
are strongly denied by the alleged abusers. Many clinicians consider that these recollections have been ‘implanted’ by overzealous questioning, others
contend that they are true memories that have previously been completely repressed. Those who hold the latter opinion point to evidence that memories of events other than child abuse can sometimes be completely lost and then regained and also that some recovered memories of child abuse are corroborated subsequently by independent evidence (see Brewin 2000 for a review of the evidence). Although the quality of the evidence has been questioned, the possibility of complete and sustained repression of memories has not been ruled out.
However, it seems likely that only a small minority of cases of ‘recovered memory syndrome’ can be explained in this way.

Minimal Brain Dysfunction

The theory of minimal brain dysfunction 

The observation that defined brain damage was associated with psychiatric disorder led to the suggestion that lesser degrees of damage, insufficient
to cause definite neurological signs, could account for otherwise unexplained disorders. The term minimal brain damage was suggested, but was later changed to minimal brain dysfunction after repeated failures to find evidence of any structural changes. 

It was suggested that this brain dysfunction originated in damage at birth and for a time the phrase ‘a continuum of reproductive casualty’ (Pasamanick and Knobloch 1966) was used to express this notion. There is an association between histories of abnormal pregnancy, prematurity, and birth asphyxia on the one hand, and psychiatric disorder on the other, but the former factors are also associated with social disadvantage which could be the real cause of the psychiatric disorder. Whilst the concept of minimal brain damage (or dysfunction) has been abandoned, the role of established brain damage is well recognized. 

Andropause, Male Menopause

Eventually, each man’s journey is unique, shaped by his hopes, his relationships, his blood pressure and the angle of his dangle. To be sure, the intensity of the mid-life passage varies greatly. For some men, it’s a dark ordeal that includes depression and is best navigated by a doctor. For most, it’s less perilous but still needing correction by a change in attitude. Either way, self-medication with bourbon is a bad idea. 

While andropause can be treated by Testosterone Replacement Therapy, some self help recommendations are: Find new ways to relieve stress; eat a nutritious, low fat, high fibre diet; get plenty of sleep; exercise regularly; talk about what you are going through; limit your alcohol and caffeine intake; drink lots of water. Besides that, at the end of the day. it might best help to take solace in what some smart aleck once said: “Age – something that doesn’t matter unless you are cheese.” 

Have fun on our forums. You got to love it 

Vascular Dementia

In the past, the dementia caused ny cerebrovascular disease was referred to as ‘atherosclerotic’ psychosis. Following the separation of distinct syndromes of psychiatric disorder in late life, it become apparent that dementia was often associated with multiple infaracts of varying size. mostly caused by thromboembolism from extracranial arteries and Hachinski (1974) suggested the now superseded term multi-infarct dementia (MID). 

Recent research has shown that patients with multi-infarct dementia are a subgroup of a larger group of patients with dementia due to vascular disease, and the term vascular dementia is now preferred. The pathogenic mechanisms are very varied, and include large or small vessel arteriosclerosis, embolus, vasculitis, amyloid angiopathy and intracranial haemorrhage. 

Related: Pick’s disease, Parkinsons disease, Organic mental disorder 

What if you hated yourself

What if you hated yourself
What if you were scared of yourself
What if you create barriers around yourself
What if you sleep but still feel tired
What if you always feel sick and weak
What if you had no friends
What if you had to pretend
What if your bad memories always play inside your head
What if you have to keep everything inside
What if you feel guilty for something thats not your fault
What if you’re filled with all-emcompassing sadness
What if you wished you were dead
What if you told your self that you’re worthless
What if you thought no one would care if you were gone
What if you feel like you don’t belong
What if you can’t stop crying when you’re by yourself
What if every song or story or poem brings up bad memories and thoughts
What if nothing ever goes your way
What if you never get to choose
What if you were isolated from everyone
What if you never get noticed
What if you had your childhood taken from you and had to grow up so fast
What if no one cares or loves you
What if no one sees your pain
What if you were silent all the time and never talked to anyone or got talked to
What if no one understands you
What if you saw the whole world as grey and meaningless
What if you felt like apart of you dies everyday
What if you know your life is meaningless
What if you never smiled or held your head high
What if you had to go through, feel, and be all of these things
What if………….then you would know how it feels to be ME

Talk to someone!!!

OK ppl i know that a lot of you want to leave this place alot of you dont think that you can handle whatever it is that your going through but honestly suicide, cutting, puking, self-abuse is not the answer. You have to look deep in your heart and know that there is people in this world that loves you and need you to be with them. If you dont have that one person that you think you can talk to you are mistaken. There is always someone in everyones life that will be there for them even if you cant see them yet they are there. I promise. I found the people that understand me. Im a stubborn person so i hate to talk about my problems but my friends love me so they force it out of me and i know that i can go to them and cry. Even if they have never felt the i have felt they know how to make it all better. And if you are a teen you need friends the most someone to talk and if you dont think you have anyfriends go to your counsler someone but dont hold it in because it will turn in a problem that ends up 10 times worse then you wanted it to end like. How Family and Friends can help?
