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How to Get Rid of Akinetic mutism


Akinetic mutism is a variety of stupor in which the patient is unable to talk or carry out purposeful behaviour but may lie with eyes open, seemingly unaware of what is going on around him.

A syndrome characterized by a silent and inert state without voluntary motor activity despite preserved sensorimotor pathways and vigilance. It results from bilateral damage to the orbital surface of the frontal lobes. The patient appears awake and has normal ocular movement but does not speak, is incontinent, and has minimal motor response to painful stimulation.

A state in which a person is unspeaking (mute) and unmoving (akinetic). A textbook on clinical neurology observes that a person with akinetic mutism has "sleep-waking cycles but, when apparently awake, with eyes open, lies mute. immobile and unresponsive." Akinetic mutism is often due to damage to the frontal lobes of the brain.

How Can Parents Help Their Child Who is Experiencing Mutism?

Parents can help their child by providing every opportunity for socialization and speaking. Behavioral techniques should be implemented in all social environments where verbalizing is difficult. Parents should consider contacting their teachers, principal, school psychologist, school counselor, or social worker. These individuals can play a very important role in assisting families and implementing a consistent treatment plan in school.

Facts and Tips about Akinetic Mutism

  • Akinetic mutism is a medical condition lead to patients who tend neither to speak.
  • Akinetic Mutism is the outcome of severe frontal lobe damage in which the pattern of inhibitory control is one of increasing passivity and gradually reducing  speech and motion.
  • Akinetic mutism disorder characterized by a silent and inert state without voluntary motor activity despite preserved sensorimotor pathways and vigilance.
  • Akinetic mutism is frequently too affected by frontal lobes of the brain.
  • Symptoms are akinetic mutism person being unable to talk or move despite the fact that they appear alert at times.
  • Risk factor of akinetic mutism patient goes to coma condition.

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