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How to Get Rid of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD)


Creutzfeldt jakob disease is degenerative neurological brain disorder that is brain disorder. It is rare and incurable brain disease. It is first classified in 1920. The creutzfeldt jakob disease is causes to the person who are above the age 60 to 65. It affect around one person per million per year. The variant CJD caused to the young people. The diagnosis of CJD is take place through pathological studies on brain tissue which confirms the diagnosis of CJD and it help to distinguishes between the classic and variant forms.

It is very difficult to diagnosed. It is caused due to prions. Prions it is type of protein which is transmitted animal by animal and form a group of degenerative diseases of the nervous system. About 90% person die within one year. In UK 2006, 66 peoples died.

Types of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

  • Sporadic CJD - Sporadic CJD is the most common type of disease. The perfect reason of creutzfeldt is unknown. The illness is shorter than the other form. the symptoms of sporadic CJD occurs in between the age of 55 to 75.
  • Hereditary CJD - Hereditary CJD is caused due to genetic mutation. The age of person causing this hereditary CJD is younger than sporadic CJD. In United State about 5 to 6 cases are found which are related to CJD. It occurs in young ones.
  • Acquired CJD - Acquired CJD occurs from contact with infected tissue at the time of surgery. It is transmitted by exposure of brain tissue or nervous system. It causes from passed from cows with bovine spongiform encephalopathy to humans.
  • Iatrogenic CJD - The latrogenic CJD difficult to spread through the medical procedures and sugary. Iatrogenic CJD are now extremely rare
  • Variant CJD - The variant CJD caused from the strain of infection that causes is known as mad cow disease. The variant CJD caused due to prions.

Symptoms of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

  • Illness.
  • Myoclonic jerks.
  • Depression.
  • Decrease in vision.
  • Loss of memory, mood changes, lack of concentration.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Rigid muscles
  • Change in personality.
  • Some people goes into coma before death.

What are the risky factors?

  • Transfusion in blood
  • High rate of BSE may increase risk.
  • Through some medical procedures.
  • Human growth hormone injections.
  • Genetic factors.

Causes of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

  • Mostly it causes due to inherited genes.
  • The CJD caused due to prions which is abnormal protein. The prions are dangerous which promotes to the refolding of the native protein into diseased protein. This refold protein spread through the brain and form a clump.
  • Creutzfeldt jakob disease exposure through bovine-based food which is present in the brain and spinal cord in above the age of 2 year.
  • The person with mutation in prions protein gene develop CJD.
  • The CJD also causes due to some medical procedures.

How it is transmitted?

The CJD transmitted to the human growth hormones. or it can be inherited. Avoid exposure to brain tissue and spinal cord fluid from infected patients which prevent transmission of the disease through these materials. The new variant of CJD caused in young one through the consumption of contaminated beef. In many people it is transmitted to through the blood plasma.

Diagnosis of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

Creutzfeldt jakob disease is incurable but we can reduce some symptoms by taking some treatment. Custodial care may be required early in the course of the disease.

  • The CJD is diagnosed by post-mortem examination of the brain.
  • Current research is going on to slow prions protein production in the laboratory.
  • By visiting nurses, volunteer services, homemakers, adult protective services, and other community resources may helpful in caring for the person with CJD..
  • The diagnosis of variant CJD is done by pathological treatment.
  • The magnetic resonance scans, tonsillar biopsy and cerebrospinal fluid tests are useful to treat the CJD.
  • .The human growth hormnes which are synthesized from the rDNA procedure to eliminates the risk of transmitting CJD.

Prevention of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

We can reduce the transmission of CJD taking some prevention.

  • Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking, or smoking.
  • Use the face protection.
  • Sterilize the medical equipment to kill the organism that may cause the disease.
  • Wear surgical gloves at the time of handling a patient's tissues or dressing the patient's wounds.

Prognosis of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease

The 90% persons will die within one year. In early stage it shows the symptoms like loss of memory, mood changes, lack of coordination and visual disturbances. The illness progresses to the mental deterioration.

People who suffered from Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease ?

  • Ellen
  • Elizabeth C. Ray

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