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How to Get Rid of Korsakoff's Syndrome


The alternative names of the korsakoff's syndrome are Korsakoff's psychosis, amnesic-confabulatory syndrome, alcoholic encephalopathy. It is a brain disorder. The korsakoff's syndrome is caused due to lack of thamine that is vitamin B1 which is present inside the brain. It is also caused due to long term alcohol consumption.

Patients with Korsakoff syndrome unable to remember recent events. Korsakoff's syndrome affected to the person having age between 45 to 65. it also affected to the women. It is related to the alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder.

Causes of Korsakoff's Syndrome

  • The korsakoff's syndrome causes due to thamine deficiency.
  • The heavy drinker also have this korsakoff's syndrome. In heavy drinkers eating habit is very poor which cause the deficiency in vitamins.
  • Korsakoff's syndrome also causes to the malnutrition.
  • Korsakoff's syndrome also causes due to mercury poisoning.
  • The thiamine deficiency damages to the brain
  • Korsakoff's syndrome caused due to prolonged vomiting, eating disorders.

Symptoms of Korsakoff's Syndrome

  • Inability to form new memories
  • Lack of insight.
  • Loss of muscle coordination; Unsteady, uncoordinated walking.
  • Retrograde amnesia causes loss of memory.
  • Low temperature and blood pressure.
  • Ataxia, amnesia, confabulation, attention deficit, disorientation.
  • Paralysis of muscles controlling the eye
  • Hallucinations

Treatment of Korsakoff's Syndrome

the treatment on korsakoff's syndrome consist of replacement of thamine by providing proper nutrition and hydration. In some cases of korsakoff's syndrome drug therapy take place. Diagnosis is done by a doctor after a thorough and careful medical assessment.

  • Replacement of thamine by intramuscular injection help to provide nutrition and hydration.
  • Hospitalization is necessary to cure korsakoff's syndrome.
  • The drug therapy is done to cure korsakoff's syndrome.
  • Reintroduction of thamine help to cure the symptoms like confusion or delirium, difficulties with vision and eye movement, and muscle in coordination
  • The diagnosis of korsakoff's syndrome take place by doing the laboratory test.
  • The drugs help to show the improvement in memory.
  • Treatment will reduce progression of damage but may not reverse it.
  • Vitamin therapy is also done to cure the korsakoff's syndrome.
  • Remain abstain from alcohol.

Prevention of Korsakoff's Syndrome

  • Avoid thamine deficiency.
  • Avoid heavy drinking.
  • Maintain a diet with a sufficient intake of thiamine.

Prognosis of Korsakoff's Syndrome

Prognosis depends on the stage of disease at presentation. The improvement is occurs within a two year. Symptoms can be reduced bi detecting and treating perfectly. Without treatment these treatment can be disabling and life threatening. Korsakoff's syndrome increases if the patient continue to long drinking. The people with korsakoff's syndrome are unable to work.

People who suffered from Korsakoff's Syndrome?

  • Oliver Sacks
  • Australian artist Charles Blackman

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