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  PMDD Treatment and cure


Researchers are studying what makes some women susceptible to PMDD, including differences in hormone sensitivity, history of other mood disorders, and individual differences in the function of brain chemical messenger systems. Antidepressant medications known to work via serotonin circuits are effective in relieving the premenstrual symptoms. Women with susceptibility to depression may be more vulnerable to the mood-shifting effects of hormones.

For mild to moderate symptoms, your doctor may suggest changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Effective treatment is available for PMDD. Treatments include medication, lifestyle changes, supportive psychotherapy and nutritional approches.

  • Medication treatment for PMDD: including antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, analgesics, hormones and diuretics. Find the detail list of all the medications for PMDD.

  • Psychotherapy for treating PMDD: variety of methods for stress reduction and relaxation such as exercise, counselling and stress/behaviour management strategies.
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves 12 or so weekly sessions that deal with correcting dysfunctional negative thoughts and developing effective coping strategies. Several research studies have found this to be a promising treatment for PMS and, perhaps, for PMDD. kind of therapy can enhance self-esteem and interpersonal effectiveness, as well as reduce other symptoms. Educating patients and their families about the disorder can promote understanding of it and reduce conflict, stress, and symptoms.

  • Nutritional Approches for curing PMDD: diet modifications such as high carbohydrate meals and reducing salt, caffeine and alcohol, consider frequent small meals. Vitamin B-6 and Magnesium is beneficial for patient with PMDD. Vitamin E, an antioxidant, seems to reduce the affective and physical symptoms of PMDD. Tryptophan, a substrate for serotonin, may also benefit some patients.

  • Lifestyle Changes for the treatment of PMDD: Many patients prefer to try lifestyle changes and/or nutritional supplements as a first step in the treatment of PMDD. Life style changes such as daily exercise or some form of aerobic exercise is beneficial for overall health.

Women with PMDD may be helped by the following:

  • Regular exercise 3 to 5 times per week
  • Adequate rest
  • A balanced diet (with increased whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and decreased or no salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine)

For some women, the severity of symptoms increase over time and last until menopause (when menses ceases). For this reason, a woman may require treatment for an extended period of time, and may require several reevaluations to adjust medication dosages throughout the course of treatment.

PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - Learn about basics of PMDD, some statistics related to PMDD and its diagnosis criterion.

PMDD Information - "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" (PMDD) is a real biological condition for which women seek treatment--and for which effective treatment is available.

PMDD Treatment - Treatments include medication, lifestyle changes, supportive psychotherapy and nutritional approches.

PMDD Medication - To treat the emotional symptoms of PMDD (e.g., depression, tearfulness, mood swings, anxiety, anger, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating), the majority of experts recommend antidepressant medications.

PMDD Symptoms - Symptoms occur during the last week of most menstrual cycles and usually improve within a few days after the period starts.

Postpartum Depression basics and treatment : Many new mothers feel sad, afraid, angry, or nervous after their baby is born. These feelings, called postpartum or "baby" blues, are very common.

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