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Herschel Walker and his bout with DID


Herschel Walker

Who is Herschel Walker?

Herschel Walker is one of the most popular and well-liked football players. He is a NFL player who has played professionally in National Footbaat league. Herschel Walker is a man of different faces – literally. This All America running back was considered to be an ideal sportsman for many. Later in his life through his books, he has divulged that it was his multiple personalities also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder which was responsible for his hugely successful life, both on field and off field.

Herschel Walker had complex attributes that made him a fierce competitor on field and a cultured, homely fellow off it. Walker during his early childhood days was subjected to lot of physical abuse when he was in school. He was overweight and had speech problems, because of which school bullies used to create troubles for him.

Herschel Walker and Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder is a condition in which the patient suffers from an interesting condition. The sufferer usually displays different types of personalities at different times. All these personalities have their individual identification – names, traits, voice characteristics, mannerism, etc. All these are filled inside one human being and they appear one at a time almost anytime. Lot of times, the true personality may not even recall the memory of such words / actions he displayed as other personality. Walker was suffering from DID and he also began to have suicidal thoughts. Later in life, he was diagnosed with anorexia. When people learned of his illness he was treated differently and looked at as if he was insane.

The anorexia brought those feelings on even stronger. It was excruciating to live with the thoughts of calories, food and exercise every single day and feeling that he could not control them.

How it turned good for Herschel Walker?

After some initial failed attempts at therapy Walker found a team that worked in his case. He saw a therapist twice a week, a nutritionist once a week, and a psychiatrist once a month for medication. He was on Effexor for about a year and a half. Although the treatment was not easy, it required him to drop classes and become a part time student for that particular semester.

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