Home Quiz Daytime Sleepiness Quiz

Daytime Sleepiness EDS Quiz - Not Daydreamers


Getting the right amount of good night sleep mean the world of difference for you on how you feel during the day. A disturbed can cause you to be lazy and drowsy all during the day and cannot concentrate.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is also known as narcolepsy. The condition is often associated with following illnesses:

- Cataplexy
- Sleep paralysis
- Hypnagogic hallucinations
- Automatic behaviors

Take this quiz to know if you are also feeling the daytime sleepiness and is it a matter of concern.

Question 1 of 7

How likely are you to fall asleep during your work hours?

A. no chance
B. slight chance
C. moderate chance
D. high chance
E. Very high chance

Question 2 of 7

How likely are you to fall asleep while sitting quietly after lunch

A. no chance
B. slight chance
C. moderate chance
D. high chance
E. Very high chance

Question 3 of 7

Do you feel sleepy while Watching TV, YouTube, or something on the Internet?

A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Sometimes
D. Often
E. All the times

Question 4 of 7

Do you feel sleepy while stopped for a few minutes in traffic while driving?

A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Sometimes
D. Often
E. All the times

Question 5 of 7

Do you feel sleepy while sitting inactive in a public place place or meeting?

A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Sometimes
D. Often
E. All the times

Question 6 of 7

Do you feel sleepy while Talking face-to-face or texting someone?

A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Sometimes
D. Often
E. All the times

Question 7 of 7

Do you feel sleepy as a passenger in a car for an hour?

A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Sometimes
D. Often
E. All the times


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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