Home Quiz Holiday Stress Quiz

Holiday Stress Quiz - Relaxing Lessons for better life


The holidays are upon us. For some, this is an exciting and wonderful time. For others it is dreaded and avoided where ever possible.

Calm yourself during the holiday rush by eating well, getting enough sleep and making time for walking or meditation, experts say.

Take our quick holiday stress quiz to find out exactly how stressed you are

Question 1 of 6

The holidays make you:

A. Joyful
B. Nostalgic
C. Tired
D. Sad

Question 2 of 6

I take part in some comforting and pleasant holiday rituals and look forward to them every year.

A. Yes
B. No

Question 3 of 6

Christmas shopping makes you:

A. Happy
B. Smug
C. Panic

Question 4 of 6

I had a reasonably happy childhood with fond memories of the holidays.

A. No
B. Yes

Question 5 of 6

You absolutely have to get some holiday shopping done, but you can't find a parking spot at the mall. You would:

A. Go home and do some online shopping
B. Drive around until you find one - obviously not liking it at all!!
C. Totally freaked out. You hate shopping and holidays.

Question 6 of 6

Sometime in the last few years you've suffered a serious loss, and the holidays just haven't been the same since. Your plan as you face another holiday season is to?

A. Not to let your friends and family see how much you are affected
B. To talk to your friends and family about how you are feeling
C. To spend the holidays with the people who support you the most


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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