Home Quiz Internet Addiction - Quiz

Internet Addiction Quiz


Do you carry a unhealthy relationship with the Internet? Does it make you high all the time and you are all the way a internet addicted person?

Take this brief screening quiz to find out the indicative answer to the above question and take a subsequent action on this. Then you can take further help from a social service representative for Internet Addiction cure.

Question 1 of 6

Does your daily work in the school or work suffer due to the time you are spending online?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 2 of 6

You just check your e-mail all the time, even before anything or everything you do?

A. I never have such difficulty
B. I rarely have such difficulty
C. Sometimes, I face it
D. I face it often
E. I face it very often

Question 3 of 6

How often do you login to Twitter or update your Facebook status?

A. What is Facebook/Twitter?
B. Very rarely
C. Few times a week
D. Multiple times a day
E. Every 15-20 mins in a day

Question 4 of 6

How much time do you spend on an average daily on Internet?

A. I do not log on to internet
B. I rarely spend any time on Internet
C. I spend less than an hour on Internet daily
D. I spend more than 4 hours on Internet daily
E. I am online all the time

Question 5 of 6

You chat with people more on facebook and twitter rather than face to face.

A. What is Facebook/Twitter?
B. Very rarely
C. Few times a week
D. Multiple times a day
E. Every 15-20 mins in a day

Question 6 of 6

After how much time you start feeling to loose grip on life if you are not online?

A. I never feel like this
B. I rarely feel like this
C. In a weeks time
D. In a day
E. In 1 hour


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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