Home Quiz Parenting Style Quiz

Parenting Style Quiz - Attitude Reflects


What does it take to be a good parent? Literature on parenting identifies four main styles:

- Authoritative
- Authoritarian
- Permissive
- Uninvolved

These are based on the extent to which parents are responsive (offer warmth and support) and demanding (level of behavioral control).

Understanding your parenting styles is very helpful in finding out how to understand each other-and make positive changes. Know your parenting style by the help of this quiz.

Question 1 of 14

I encourage self-expression and individuality in my children.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 2 of 14

Your children have made a big mess in your living room. Do you:

A. tell them they won't get any dinner until it's clean and tidy?
B. tell them you'll time them to clean it up and see if they do it in under five minutes?
C. ask them to clean it up, but when they go off and start watching tv end up doing it yourself?

Question 3 of 14

Children shouldn't always get their way, but usually we ought to learn to listen to what they have to say.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 4 of 14

I make myself available to my children when they need me.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 5 of 14

Your child tells your neighbour she's ugly. Do you:

A. send him to his room?
B. explain to him that he really hurt her feelings?
C. laugh and tell your neighbour she's a rat bag?

Question 6 of 14

Children first have to learn that the parent is boss.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 7 of 14

Children need to be disciplined so that they will learn when they have done something wrong.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 8 of 14

Going out with your children is:

A. fine if they sit still and behave
B. a great way to do things together
C. a nightmare, your children are all over the place.

Question 9 of 14

Parents who allow their kids to go to daycare at a young age are irresponsible.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 10 of 14

Your son hits another child at soccer practice. You would...

A. get mad and tell the other boy to hit him back
B. ignore them and just let them fight or play
C. tell him that it is not right to hit people, make him apologize, and take away a privilige if this is a repeat offense

Question 11 of 14

When your children are put to bed:

A. they never want to stay there, so its easier to let them decide when they're tired.
B. they sometimes take a while to settle, but you've worked out a routine and it's working pretty well
C. they are expected to stay there

Question 12 of 14

Every night at dinner, I would want my family to sit together at the table and talk about their day.

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. All the times

Question 13 of 14

Your son wants a new toy at the grocery store, so you...

A. tell him no, but explain that you will bring him back to buy it when he saves enough of his allowance
B. buy it so that he doesn't have a tantrum
C. get mad and tell him he can't have any new toys

Question 14 of 14

You are working on your laptop. your preschooler who is sitting across from you, has just spilled his cup of juice. The juice is now spreading across everything on the table, including your laptop.

A. Start sopping up the mess with kid and ask him to be more careful with his juice.
B. Scold kid for being clumsy and ask him to clean up the mess. He'll learn his lesson and be more careful next time.
C. Tell kid that everything's okay while you clean up the mess.


Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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