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Learning friendship in marriage


Friends are good supporter of your life. Friendship contributes more relatiopnship functioning. Making and keeping a good friend is challenge for everyone. Making friends and developing it is best way to keep yourself happy. This relationship is based on trust, belief and love with each other. It takes too much time for choosing a best friend. but do not hurry whilkedoing friendship with someone. Try to understand him/her. If your thoughts, views, nature will math with the person then put forward otherwise keep your relation in a particular limit. Try to find someone which relate to each other. Healthy relationship creates between who likes most to each other. There must have secure and safe feeling in your relationship. Evaluate your level of intimacy with your husband. Companionship is more important in the friendship. The ultimate goal to strive for in love, friendship and marriage is mutual caring and respect for each other. Marriage partner must be beast friend and lover for ever. Friendship have a specil importance in account of marriage.

Tips on learning friendship

  • Arrange meetings and dates with your friend.
  • Always try to understand your friend.
  • Treat your friend as you want to treat yourself.
  • Make time to make friends.
  • Ask your friend what they want from you.
  • Keep your friendship entire new and living creature.
  • Walk together and reconnect wuth each other.
  • finding a good friend is easy one.
  • Quality time is investment for the future happinness.
  • Talk about your expections with your friend.
  • always encourage your friend to take the effort.

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and laughing feels better right now.

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