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Romance in marriage


marriage god's intimate gift which brings fulfillment and romance in its purest, richest, and most satisfying form. Marriages that last a lifetime are not born. You can create a very special romantic getaway if you search for locations where you walk hand in hand along a river, beach, or take a hike in the mountains. There is love in every small things in our day to day life try to find it and make your lover more happy. Keep your eyes open for the things that can detract from your marriage, and work to fix them. Mature love finds in long term marriage. Romance keep the marriage alive. Love is the basis of marriage. There is nothing such thing as marriage. Love help can take many different forms depending on your needs. In long term relationship romance evetually dies. Emotions are the building blocks of each relationship in our lives, and the power of those emotions cannot be overlooked. Be committed to each other and to making the marriage work perfection is your goal, you will always compare how the relationship is now to what you think it should be, and you will be continually disappointed. One of the marital challenges many couples face is how to live together without losing that special romantic spark. In the course of your romantic relationship, the occasional disagreement is inevitable. 

Tips on romance

  • Say the words "I love you."
  • Take your partner for lunch or dinner at weekend.
  • Organize some mystry trip for you and your partner.
  • Send a romantic card.
  • Plan asurprize b'day and dinner party.
  • Learn key skill to improve your relaationship.
  • Send short but sweet email to your partner.
  • Give your spouse a lingering, wet kiss, accompanied by a full body hug.
  • Give each other space for individual growth.
  • Send a beautiful romantic greeting card.
  • Walk with her hand in hand under the moonlight.

Sometimes crying or laughing
are the only options left,
and laughing feels better right now.

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