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Time Management Quiz


Listed below are ten statements that reflect generally accepted principles of good time management. Answer these items by circling the item most characteristic of how you perform your job. Please be honest. No one will know your answers except you.
1. Each day I set aside a small amount of time for planning and thinking about my job.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
2. I set specific, written goals and put deadlines on them.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
3. I make a daily "to do" list, arrange items in order of importance, and try to get the important items done as soon as possible.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
4. I am aware of the 80-20 rule and use it in doing my job. (The 80- 20rule states that 80 percent of your effectiveness will generally come from achieving only 20 percent of your goals.)
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
5. I keep a loose schedule to allow for crises and the unexpected.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
6. I delegate everything I can to others.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
7. I try to handle each piece of paper only once.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
8. I eat a light lunch so I don't get sleepy in the afternoon.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
9. I make an active effort to keep common interruptions (visitors, meetings, telephone calls) from continually disrupting my work day.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
10. I am able to say no to others' requests for my time that would prevent my completing important tasks.
0. Almost never. 1. Sometimes. 2. Often. 3. Almost always.
To get your score, give yourself:
3 points for each "almost always"
2 points for each "often"
1 point for each "sometimes"
0 points for each "almost never"
Add up your points to get your total score.
If you scored:
0-15 Better give some thought to managing your time.
15-20 You're doing OK but there's room for improvement.
20-25 Very good
25-27 Excellent

28-30 You cheated!