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Time Management for Teachers


Teaching is a very demanding job and it takes time. It is a necessity to manage time as it is anywhere else. Managing the time of your own as a teacher and then managing the time of your students is one of the most challenging task. The time management is needed in all the aspects of teaching such as - organizing the day, organizing classroom, how often and how long to teach different subject/chapters, capturing student progress, handling behavior problems, etc.

Tips for Effective Teacher time Management

Always schedule solid blocks of time for each day for teaching. Place a "Do Not Disturb" board outside your classroom when you are teaching something important which needs concentration. Take administration or dean's help in this. Do not allow pull-out programs at these times. Plan to have a smooth transitions between chapters and have the material ready before the lesson starts. You can ask students to do the homework to extend their practice time. Remember, homework should be seen as the tool to allow students practice the skills they have already learned in the class. Schedule the restroom breaks effectively.

Try to take help frmo others and try to delegate the other mundane tasks. You can take help from volunteers are another valuable asset. You can definitely be the supervisor for the volunteers. They can also improve the home-school relations. Parents, grandparents, businesspersons, etc can be the volunteers and they can better understand the problems of school and teachers in general. They can also be supportive in getting the budget approved for different areas of improvement.

Create a pupil behaviour record file which will help you to manage the behaviour related factors of different students. This allows you to manage the different students based on their behaviour. It is also important to learn how to say no to requests from colleagues.

Prioritizing time for personal stuff is also very important and it need to be implemented effectively as well. A lot of times, the teachers are very tired and they are exhausted because of lack of personal care and time. This leads to class becoming less effective and efficient. Stay healthy and refreshed.

Setting meaningful goals for your students and for yourself requires knowing the things that in your view has high value. Do not confuse the activities with the goals.