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Time Management System


There is a multitude of "systems" aspects which also can be implemented to improve the quality of time use. Examples of these systems are: what type of desk you use, how to set up a good filing system, how to set up good information retrieval system, and a host of other time and work-saving devices. These systems, however, must be set up according to the purpose and type of organization and the individuals who use them.
But far more important than any gadget or system is the recognition of the importance of good time management and the goals and objectives that can be reached by both the individual and the organization.
Time is a unique commodity that is given equally to everyone regardless of age or station. Time always moves at a predetermined and constant rate, but no one ever seems to have enough time. Since we can't create more time, we must conserve the time allotted us.
All businesses carefully record their financial assets. However, these financial statements never mention one of the company's most vital and irreplaceable assets-time. Since it does not appear as an entry on the company's operating statements, time is taken for granted. Time management attitudes and practices are often casual and lax, almost an afterthought. If time is money, then it should be treated as a precious, nonrenewable resource.
Time should receive the same intense monitoring that occurs with other assets.
Unless time is managed, nothing else can be managed. Most time management ideas are common sense but not common practice. Improved time management does increase productivity and overall performance. It can also improve morale as employees become more effective and more satisfied with the use of their time. Time management focuses on accountability. Many executives believe that their tasks are so varied that time management principles are useless to them. The assumption is that time management

Practices are more suited to repetitive production line tasks. Certainly the tasks required of the executive are heterogeneous in content, but the management process is actually quite repetitive. In today's competitive environment, managers who misuse their time are at a distinct disadvantage